Health Day News: Genco discusses advances is medical tests that use saliva

Release Date: March 22, 2007 This content is archived.


An article distributed by Health Day News on advances in the development of simple, cheap diagnostic tests based on the analysis of saliva quotes Robert Genco, SUNY Distinguished Professor of Oral Biology, who said, "The field is very exciting, and the quest for such diagnostics is important. Because if you can take a simple sample like saliva and and then do a test to diagnose a disease -- particularly for diseases that don't show themselves very well -- you can perhaps have some information before the situation gets too serious. The key issue is what is the predictive value or reliability of such a test in an individual. And that's a very high barrier to overcome. But I think the cutting-edge approach these researchers are using is sensible and holds a great deal of promise." The article was picked up by about a dozen outlets, including The Washington Post, Atlanta Journal Constitution, Yahoo! News and Health Scout, as well as television stations in Iowa, Michigan, Colorado and Alabama.

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