The Bills have started the season facing a few teams on extra rest -- an inequity UB researchers have dug into when it comes to the NFL scheduling process.
"If there is one thing I have learned thus far, it is this: For questions about what it takes to keep a sick, hospitalized patient alive, ask a nurse," says third-year UB medical student Greg Roloff.
According to a UB study, children who are allowed to drink at home are less likely to experience problems with alcohol abuse if they come from an "intact family."
The real question is why consumer anger didn't coalesce in the same way following any number of other recent examples of corporate wrongdoing, says UB's Trina Hamilton.
If a young woman's first sexual experience involves alcohol, she is more likely to be at risk for problems, such as sexual assault, and this risk may persist in her future, says UB's Jennifer Livingston.
UB's Nellie Drew weighs in on whether daily fantasy sports sites should continue to conduct business as usual or change direction and reduce their risks.
"It's difficult to say what he could have offered primary voters apart from trumpeting his candidacy as not bringing with it the kind of baggage that comes with Clinton," says UB's Jacob Neiheisel.
The opposition Hillary Clinton faces from Sanders is a secondary concern compared to the significance of her performance testifying before the House on Benghazi.