The Buffalo News reports UB was awarded the Mid-American Conference’s first-ever Diversity & Inclusion Institution Award, and quotes UB President Satish K. Tripathi and Athletic Director Mark Alnutt.
Monica Stephens, assistant professor of geography, talks to the New York Times about claims by Alex Jones that the more he’s “persecuted” the stronger he gets after he was kicked off social media.
An article on The Verge interviews Anjula Kosswattaarachchi, a PhD candidate in chemistry, about methylene blue, a blue dye that has potential to be used to power liquid batteries.
The New York Times interviews political scientist Jacob Neiheisel about the Republican party's chances of holding onto the seat of indicted Congressman Chris Collins.
An article in Science magazine about the launch of the $1 billion satellite that will measure polar ice interviews Beata Csatho, professor and chair of geology.
ABC News interviewed James Campbell, UB Distinguished Professor of political science, for an article explaining what affect former President Obama’s return to the political fray.
The New York Times quotes political scientist James Battista about incumbent lieutenant governor of New York Kathy Hochul’s primary victory over New York City council member Jumaane Williams.
An opinion piece in TheBuffalo News by Timothy Murphy, director of UB’s Clinical and Translational Science Institute, explains how participating in clinical trials can improve the health of the entire community.
A Smithsonian magazine article about a creating nearly invisible antennas on almost any surface by literally spraying them on like paint interviews Josep Jornet, assistant professor of electrical engineering.
An article on FiveThirtyEight about the role that toxic masculinity – rather than alcohol – plays in sexual assault interviews UB researcher Maria Testa.
USA Today interviews Elizabeth Bowen, assistant professor of social work, about six homeless people in Washington state who are suing their belongings were swept up and tossed out by local authorities.
A NPR story about drug makers who are patenting small changes in how drugs are made or taken to keep pharmaceutical prices high interviews David Herzberg, an associate professor of history.