WIRED featured Erin Hatton in a story about startups that are delivering groceries fast without using gig workers, instead hiring employees with benefits.
A Yahoo! Life article quoted Keith Kirkwood about a new UB study he co-authored suggesting that inflammation linked to obesity can trigger gum disease.
Spectrum News aired a story on a new report by Henry-Louis Taylor, Jr. that examines the state of Buffalo’s Black population and shows that the city’s Black residents have not made progress over the past 30-plus years.
Talk of the Lab published a four-page feature on the work of Diana Aga, director of the UB RENEW Institute and the Henry M. Woodburn Professor in the UB Department of Chemistry.
Newsweek featured commentary from Stephanie Poindexter about a shocking story on how a group of monkeys in India are conducting revenge killings on dogs, after an infant monkey was previously killed by a dog.
The Huffington Post quoted Holly Jean Buck about how a Mississippi town is having air quality problems caused by a wood mill that was established to help with green energy.
Tom Russo was a quoted in a Prevention Magazine story about how the CDC now has very specific recommendations on what, exactly, to look for in a face mask.
The Washington Post reported on the recent rise in COVID-19 infections on cruise ships and quoted Tom Russo, who had a Baltic cruise planned for this past fall that he postponed for a year due to ports closing and logistics concerns.