From chess to baseball, technology fuels 'never-ending arms race' in sports cheating

Published December 18, 2023


USA Today quotes Kenneth Regan in a story about the tools anti-cheating authorities are using to catch or thwart cheaters in sports from baseball to chess. The article notes that Regan has been “one of the world’s foremost experts” in detecting chess cheating. Regan spends much of his time monitoring games at top-level tournaments and identifying potential cheats, rooting out deceit with the help of what he describes as a “fairly garden-variety predictive analytic model” that compares the moves of a player to those suggested by chess-playing computers. Regan acknowledges that, without those computers, known as chess engines, his model would not work; however, many players would struggle to cheat in the first place. “It is true that I am fighting fire with fire,” Regan concludes

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