Policy Analysis and Accreditation

Developing contextual analytics and statistics to power UB's senior policy discussion.

Our team within the Office of Institutional Analysis assists in developing contextual information and other analyses for senior leadership at the University at Buffalo.  Project areas include:

  • Survey design, administration, analyses and visualizations
  • Survey reporting (national, state, and system-wide)
  • Institutional and programmatic accreditation documentation, data collection, reporting, and review
  • Policy analysis and decision support using advanced analytics: recent projects include faculty salary comparisons, merit scholarship analysis, enrollment forecasting and prediction, tuition scholarship modeling, critical pathway course analysis, financial aid reporting, tuition comparisons, and retention prediction and analysis.
  • National Student Clearinghouse liaison for the university. We create and submit various student files to provide information about enrollments, degrees, and markets.

For further information, please contact:

Craig W. Abbey

Vice Provost for Institutional Analysis and Planning

560B Capen Hall

Phone: (716) 645-5488

Email: cwabbey@buffalo.edu

  • 2023 New Transfer Student Survey
    Prior to entry, newly accepted transfer students for fall semester are asked to complete the New Transfer Student Survey as they complete other on-line forms. It provides information on their enrollment at previous institutions and their activities while attending those institutions. 
  • National Survey of Student Engagement
    The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a survey specially designed for students (freshmen and seniors) to provide information about their undergraduate experience, including views about the quality of education and how they spend their time.
  • National Survey of Student Engagement 2020
    The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a survey specially designed for students (freshmen and seniors) to provide information about their undergraduate experience, including views about the quality of education and how they spend their time.
  • New Freshmen Survey
    The annual survey collects baseline information on freshmen’s social and academic backgrounds, college choice issues, and plans for their UB careers and beyond. 
  • New Freshmen Survey 2023
    The annual survey collects baseline information on freshmen’s social and academic backgrounds, college choice issues, and plans for their UB careers and beyond. 
  • New Transfer
    Prior to entry, newly accepted transfer students for fall semester are asked to complete the New Transfer Student Survey as they complete other on-line forms. It provides information on their enrollment at previous institutions and their activities while attending those institutions. 
  • Student Satisfaction Survey
    The SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) is administered every three years to all SUNY undergraduates.  The purpose of this survey is to help UB assess various areas of the campus community, atmosphere, facilities, and academic experiences. 
  • University Factbook
    The UB Factbook is an intensive reporting effort spanning the depth and breadth of university operations.  It provides an interactive compendium of frequently requested official information about the institution.