The SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) is administered every three years to all SUNY undergraduates. The purpose of this survey is to help UB assess various areas of the campus community, atmosphere, facilities, and academic experiences.
Overall, the results from the 2021 SUNY Student Satisfaction Survey present positive satisfaction with UB.
The SSS identifies areas of student satisfaction and opportunities for improvement. The most recent iteration of the survey occurred in Spring 2021. The survey includes items regarding student satisfaction in Academic Services/Experiences, Student Services/Facilities and Campus Communities/Student Life Experiences. Items are rated using a general satisfaction ratings scale of very dissatisfied to very satisfied.
In overall satisfaction, 55% of undergraduate student respondents were generally satisfied/very satisfied at UB, 58% responded that their overall impression of the quality of education at UB was high/very high and 48% felt that UB their academic experiences met/mostly met their expectations.
In academic related services and experiences section 74% were satisfied/very satisfied with library resources and services, 58% were satisfied/very satisfied with academic advising, 52% were satisfied/very satisfied with tutoring services and 54% were satisfied/very satisfied with the overall engagement with their professors and instructors.
For information technology services, students were satisfied/very satisfied with the following: 76% with access to computers and related technology, 71% with UB’s college computing network and 67% with UB’s Help Desk.
The student life/campus community section topics regarding college-run clubs & activities; ease of finding information on UB’s website, career planning, student health services and mental health/counseling services. 34% to 58% of students responded of being satisfied/very satisfied.
Campus climate section showed students were 51% to 70% satisfied/very satisfied with freedom from harassment or bullying, racial harmony, faculty/instructor respect for students and a sense of belonging at UB.
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