New Chapter in "The History of the University at Buffalo School of Nursing" Published

Exterior of Wende Hall.

The School of Nursing is located on South Campus in Wende Hall, which underwent a number of renovations under Dean Lewis' leadership.

Published July 1, 2024

The chapter highlights Marsha Lewis’ tenure as dean from 2012-2022


The University at Buffalo School of Nursing is proud to announce the release of a new chapter in "The History of the University at Buffalo School of Nursing," authored by Janice Feigenbaum, an alumna and emeritus faculty member of the School of Nursing. This latest chapter shines a spotlight on the impactful tenure of Dean Marsha Lewis, who led the school from 2012 to 2022.

Dean Marsha Lewis' decade-long leadership marked a period of significant growth and innovation for the University at Buffalo School of Nursing. The newly published chapter provides an in-depth look at the context of the era, highlighting the various accomplishments and milestones achieved under her guidance. It details the school's mission and vision, school renovations, and its participation in the university wide Boldly Buffalo Campaign. The chapter also explores the expansion and enhancement of educational program offerings, efforts to foster interprofessional collaborations, and the establishment and strengthening of international and national partnerships. Additionally, it covers the integration of cutting-edge technology; initiatives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; and the numerous accolades and honors received by the school, including faculty and staff awards, during this transformative period.

Janice Feigenbaum's meticulous research and firsthand insights provide a comprehensive narrative of this pivotal period in the school's history. As an alumna and emeritus faculty member, Feigenbaum brings a unique perspective that enriches the chronicle of Dean Lewis' tenure.

Copies of "The History of the University at Buffalo School of Nursing" are available via the University at Buffalo Libraries. The new chapter is available via the link below.

Media Contact Information

Sarah Goldthrite
Director of Marketing, Communications & Alumni Engagement
School of Nursing
105 Beck Hall (South Campus)
Tel: 716-829-3209