Published March 24, 2025
UB Bikeshare bikes have returned to campus and are ready to roll!
UB Bikeshare bikes are equipped with GPS capabilities and sport UB branding. With an annual membership, UB students, faculty and staff have access to 75 Bikeshare bikes on campus and the entire fleet of Reddy Bikeshare bikes throughout the region. The annual membership rate for UB members is $10 for 12 months plus an additional $2.00 per hour to ride.
More than 70% of student UB Bikeshare trips over the past 10 years have been for the purpose of getting to and from classes on UB’s North Campus, with the rest of the trips serving as a form of recreation, running errands, and getting around in the city of Buffalo. These trips typically begin at locations such as the Student Union, Governor’s Complex, Fargo, Knox, and on the South Campus at Main Circle, ending at the Student Union, classroom buildings or Alumni Arena.