Ziming Zhao


Ziming Zhao.

Ziming Zhao


Ziming Zhao


Research Topics

Hardware-assisted security; system security; usable security; cybercrime analysis

Biography Teaching Research Students Latest News


Md Armanuzzaman

Md Armanuzzaman

Research Project Assistant

5th Year PhD Candidate, advised by Ziming Zhao

Computer Science and Engineering

309 Davis Hall Desk 20

Phone: (716) 645-4743

Email: mdarmanu@buffalo.edu

Alex Eastman

Alex Eastman

Research Project Assistant

2nd Year PhD Candidate, advised by Ziming Zhao

Computer Science and Engineering

309 Davis Hall Desk 1

Phone: (716) 645-4743

Email: alexeast@buffalo.edu

Web: https://buffalo.edu/~alexeast/

Gaoxiang Liu

Gaoxiang Liu

Research Project Assistant

2nd Year PhD Candidate, advised by Ziming Zhao

Computer Science and Engineering

309 Davis Hall Desk 21

Phone: (716) 645-4743

Email: gliu25@buffalo.edu

Zheyuan (Andy) Ma

Zheyuan (Andy) Ma

Research Project Assistant

4th Year PhD Candidate, advised by Ziming Zhao

Computer Science and Engineering

309 Davis Hall Desk 19

Phone: (716) 645-4743

Email: zheyuanm@buffalo.edu

Xi Tan

Xi Tan

5th Year PhD Candidate, advised by Ziming Zhao

Computer Science and Engineering

309 Davis Hall Desk 4

Phone: (716) 645-4743

Email: xitan@buffalo.edu

Web: https://mintancy.github.io/