UB opens concert season with program celebrating new piano

Published September 10, 2024

The Department of Music will open its 2024-25 concert season with a recital by renowned pianist and department chair Eric Huebner featuring one of UB’s new Bösendorfer pianos.

The concert, an hourlong program of Viennese music, will take place at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 13 in Lippes Concert Hall in Slee Hall, North Campus. It is free and open to the public, as will be all faculty recitals this season. No ticket is required.

The program:

Haydn: Sonata in G Major, Hob XVI 40

Beethoven: Sonata in G Major, op. 14, no. 2

Brahms: 16 Variations on a Theme by Robert Schumann, op. 9

Webern: Variations, op. 27

Berg: Sonata, op. 1

Schoenberg: Drei Klavierstücke, op. 11

The music department purchased two Bösendorfer pianos last winter for its Slee Visiting Artists Series and other concerts, replacing some of the department’s aging Steinway pianos.

A longtime UB faculty member, Huebner has drawn worldwide acclaim for his performances of new and traditional music since making his debut with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at age 17. In January 2012, he was appointed pianist of the New York Philharmonic and currently holds the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Piano Chair.

In recent years, he has appeared as concerto soloist in works by Carter, Ligeti, Messiaen and Stravinsky, and in recital throughout the U.S., where his programs frequently position recent works alongside modern classics.