Misinformation topic of PSS lecture

Published March 14, 2025

Misinformation is nothing new. For as long as humans have communicated, they’ve also manipulated information and deceived others to gain power. Nevertheless, scholars, journalists and pundits have expressed a concern about humanity entering a new “post-truth” era, one driven by the collapse of truth and political turmoil.

UB communication professor Yotam Ophir will discuss “Five Lessons I’ve Learned from Studying Thousands of Years of Misinformation” in a presentation March 26 sponsored by the Minority Faculty and Staff Association, the LGBTQ Faculty and Staff Association and the Professional Staff Senate’s Inclusion & Diversity Committee.

In this talk, taking place from noon to 1:30 p.m. in 145B, Student Union, Ophir will argue that humans have never been motivated by accuracy, and that the current moment could be better explained by considering unprecedented technological and political developments.

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Travis Eisele  or Derrick Gunter.