A study in the New England Journal of Medicine found the key was to block the artery supplying the brain covering.
The Templeton Foundation is funding the innovative project that will show how diversity, disagreement and dynamism are crucial for an open society.
UB expert Dominic Sellitto says businesses should check widely deployed software and make sure auto-updates are kept to a minimum.
A $4 million NIH grant awarded to UB researchers will support work to overcome the growing number of health care infections.
A UB study has found patients were more likely to stick with treatment if referred through telemedicine vs. the emergency department.
Scientists found that biomolecular condensates’ unique viscoelastic properties are determined by the amino acid sequence of the proteins that form them.
The partnership between the company and UB has the potential to advance automation and robotics while creating opportunities for students and faculty.
SUNY Chancellor John B. King Jr. and state lawmakers attended a roundtable during which UB faculty discussed their innovative work in the field.
UB experts say the shockwaves that are upending an already turbulent presidential campaign are unlikely to recede anytime soon.
Pharmacy professor Edward Bednarczyk discusses an online training program for prescribers and other efforts.
Gil Wolfe is senior author of an oped in Neurology that responds to an earlier NEJM paper that raised questions about thymic removal.