Research News

Open bottles and opioid pills strewn on a table.
  • Multipronged approach needed to stem synthetic opioid deaths

    Pharmacy professor Edward Bednarczyk discusses an online training program for prescribers and other efforts.

  • Tackling asthma in kids at school-based health centers

    With NIH funding, UB pediatric researchers will study an intervention they developed for children with asthma in the Buffalo Public Schools.

  • New American dialect takes shape in South Florida

    UB linguist Kristen D'Alessandro Merii’s exploration of “Miami English” receives wide recognition.

  • Take the plunge and invest in the weird

    School of Management research analyzes “Shark Tank” competitors to find the advantages and challenges of being weird.

  • Examining impact of cannabis on immunotherapy

    A UB psychologist has received a $3.2 million grant to assess how cannabis use affects patients who receive immunotherapy

  • Buffalo-Rochester-Syracuse chosen as 'tech hub'

    With UB playing a critical role, the project aims to transform the tri-city region into a global hub for semiconductor technology.

  • UB researchers discuss AI’s role in education

    Panel discussion at Grand Island High School was part of a chat series that explores AI for social good.

  • How age affects kidney transplant drugs

    Pharmacy study suggests that older kidney transplant patients do not metabolize the immunosuppressive drugs as well as their younger counterparts.

  • NSF grant for Lahaina wildfire simulation

    An interdisciplinary team will combine AI, high-performance computing and modeling to better understand Lahaina fire and reduce the likelihood of future disasters.

  • Synthetic molecules could help treat cystic fibrosis

    Developed by UB researchers, synthetic anion binders can “ferry” mucus-clearing ions blocked by the chronic lung disease.

  • UB helping AAU, U.S. connect with Indian partners in research

    UB has deepened ties with India’s higher education system, building a foundation to address the world’s most pressing technological challenges.