Research News

Open bottles and opioid pills strewn on a table.
  • Multipronged approach needed to stem synthetic opioid deaths

    Pharmacy professor Edward Bednarczyk discusses an online training program for prescribers and other efforts.

  • Knowledge is power

    Early disclosure of risks can reduce a decline in stocks, according to new research from the School of Management.

  • Inflammation drives social media use

    The UB-led study may provide the first evidence showing the role of the immune system as a potential antecedent to social media use.

  • New faculty member brings exclusive 3M award to UB

    Luis R. De Jesús Báez is UB’s first recipient of the Non-Tenure Faculty Award that aims to encourage the pursuit of new ideas among tenure-track faculty.

  • Two scholars receive NSF fellowships to study at UB

    The prestigious MPS-Ascend program aims to advance scientific discovery and diversify the fields of mathematics and science.

  • New therapies on the horizon for endometriosis

    UB study reveals how neurotrophins and their receptors could be novel therapeutic targets for pelvic pain in the condition that affects 5-10% of women.

  • What do lava and sewer sludge have in common?

    Buffalo Sewer Authority calls upon UB lava flow expert to improve wastewater treatment plant.

  • Expanding cybersecurity training

    Grant will provide funding for UB’s Center of Excellence in Information Systems Assurance Research and Education to graduate 24 cybersecurity specialists.

  • Supporting program for pregnant and new moms

    An NIH grant to social work professor Mickey Sperlich will help pregnant and new mothers who have experienced trauma.

  • The business value of IT investment

    A School of Management study analyzes how IT spending impacts inflation and employment rates, and vice versa.

  • Greenland glacier may not be as stable as previously thought

    UB research finds that glacier N79 has undetected features that may indicate it is less stable than scientists have understood.