Research News

Nikhil Satchidanand in an exercise room.
  • What’s the secret to resilient aging?

    A new UB research center on The Brothers of Mercy Wellness Campus will study how exercise and wellness contribute to resilience and recovery in older adults.

  • How age affects kidney transplant drugs

    Pharmacy study suggests that older kidney transplant patients do not metabolize the immunosuppressive drugs as well as their younger counterparts.

  • NSF grant for Lahaina wildfire simulation

    An interdisciplinary team will combine AI, high-performance computing and modeling to better understand Lahaina fire and reduce the likelihood of future disasters.

  • Synthetic molecules could help treat cystic fibrosis

    Developed by UB researchers, synthetic anion binders can “ferry” mucus-clearing ions blocked by the chronic lung disease.

  • UB helping AAU, U.S. connect with Indian partners in research

    UB has deepened ties with India’s higher education system, building a foundation to address the world’s most pressing technological challenges.

  • A window into climate change

    UB researcher Scott Santos studies how tiny red shrimp are adapting to the changing environment of the Hawaiian Islands.

  • Symposium highlights UB’s cancer research

    UB's cancer research studies were in the spotlight at a recent daylong symposium.

  • UB architect’s design recognized with global award

    Jin Young Song is the recipient of a 2023 Design Educates Award for his energy-efficient façade retrofit of a major hospital in Seoul.

  • How conservatives, liberals differ in supporting science

    Researchers hope the findings are useful for people who care about science and want to improve public acceptance of science.

  • New, improved ways to find forever chemicals topic of workshop

    Scientists from across the globe gathered at UB to discuss the latest chemical analysis breakthroughs.

  • Why do women develop cerebral aneurysms at higher rate than men?

    Neurosurgeon Rosalind Lai has received a Young Investigator Grant to study the reasons behind this phenomenon.