Research News

Open bottles and opioid pills strewn on a table.
  • Multipronged approach needed to stem synthetic opioid deaths

    Pharmacy professor Edward Bednarczyk discusses an online training program for prescribers and other efforts.

  • Preventing toxic side effects of leukemia treatment

    A UB project aims to develop drugs that target cancer cells, as well as drugs that may help prevent anti-cancer molecules from harming healthy cells.

  • UB receives grant to improve vital pulp therapy

    The alternative to root canal treatment aims to preserve and maintain the healthy pulp tissue in damaged teeth.

  • Two named AAAS fellows

    UB faculty members Stelios T. Andreadis and M. Laura Feltri have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

  • Obstructive sleep apnea tied to weaker bones, teeth in adults

    In addition to increasing the risk of fractures, low bone-mineral density impacts oral health, causing teeth to become loose and dental implants to fail.

  • Can chess engines make better ER decisions?

    PhD student Adam DeHollander is developing a game-playing artificial intelligence focused on emergency room efficiency.

  • A new technique for proteomic profiling

    The new method enables in-depth and high-quality proteomic profiling of large sample cohorts, especially for low-abundance proteins.

  • Dealing with emotional trauma

    Three UB experts offer insights on how to cope with the events that have rocked Western New York during the past nine months.

  • Better sleep for a better new year

    UB sleep medicine specialist Amanda Hassinger offers tips for achieving more quality sleep that may help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions.

  • UB biochemist weighs in on melanoma vaccine

    Mark O'Brian explains how Moderna's experimental vaccine treats, but doesn't prevent, the aggressive skin cancer.

  • UB team develops groundbreaking proteomic technique

    The Micro-scaffold Assisted Spatial Proteomic technique allows simultaneous whole-tissue protein mapping with excellent accuracy.