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The View

Faculty experts weigh in on trending topics. Their views and opinions are based on their expertise and research, and do not represent the official positions of UB.

  • Those lyin’ eyes

    UB expert Mark Frank explains how to detect deception — and yes, the eyes can lie.

  • UB sleep expert offers 5 tips for a better night’s rest

    Carleara Weiss says improved sleep can have emotional, physical and mental health benefits.

  • Most expensive winter storm damage largely preventable

    While blizzards are inescapable, UB expert Michel Bruneau offers suggestions to help make snowstorms a day off rather than a disaster.

  • ‘Trusted’ UB nurses offer New Year’s resolutions

    Nursing faculty members suggest ways to achieve happier, healthier living in the new year.

  • A look at ‘Back to Basics’ plan for literacy

    GSE researcher John Strong shares his insights on Gov. Kathy Hochul's proposal to address the decline in literacy in NYS.

Questions & Answers

  • Labor trends give Tesla workers a shot at unionizing

    UB sociologist Erin Hatton says the union would be a first for the Elon Musk-owned company.

  • An earthquake in WNY?

    UB geologist Tracy Gregg offers insights on the event that was the talk of the town on Monday.

  • The significance of Black History Month

    UB Black history scholar LaGarrett King talks about the importance of teaching about Black history in schools and in society.

  • Natural inspiration

    MFA student and UB Arts Collaboratory artist-in-residence Taylor Robers channels inspiration from ecosystems into art.

  • A deep dive into ‘One Health’

    A new book edited by law faculty Irus Braverman examines the movement that recognizes that human health is connected to animals, plants and the environment. 

Awards & Recognition

  • Why do women develop cerebral aneurysms at higher rate than men?

    Neurosurgeon Rosalind Lai has received a Young Investigator Grant to study the reasons behind this phenomenon.

  • Moore receives career achievement award

    The Morris Janowitz award recognizes senior scholars whose careers have demonstrated excellence in the field of military sociology.

  • Leonard named to board of NIAAA consortium

    The director of UB’s CRIA will join the Program Advisory Board of the National Consortium on Alcohol and Neurodevelopment in Adolescent-Adulthood.

  • UB researcher receives ASHA award

    Faculty member Nichol Castro is being recognized for her work focusing on word retrieval in aging adults and adults with language impairments.

  • Dandona receives lifetime achievement award

    The UB endocrinologist was recently honored by the Androgen Society for his work on low testosterone, diabetes and obesity.