campus news

True Blue staffer takes the words of Samuel P Capen to heart


Published September 27, 2023

Peter Logiudice.
“Being honored by the place I love the most, by the people I work with, there’s nothing like it. ”
Pete Logiudice, assistant director of community relations
Wellness and Work Life Balance

Pete Logiudice came to UB in the 1980s as an undergraduate student from the New York City area. And though it wasn’t initially his plan to stick around after graduation, he has — for nearly four decades.

What’s kept him here?

Soon after earning his degree in English, Logiudice took a job with Athletics. The work intensified his love for UB and the Bulls, placing him right at the pulse of True Blue spirit.

“It just became a part of my life,” he explains. “There was never a thought of leaving.”

Now, as a staff member on Human Resources’ Wellness and Work Life Balance team, he’s so fully enmeshed in the campus landscape that he’s known by some as “Mr. UB.”

Whether connecting with his UB colleagues at Mini Mental Breaks, setting the pace for the employee walking program or guiding new hires on bus tours across the three campuses, Logiudice gets genuine satisfaction from the daily contributions he’s able to make to the university community.

“The tours I give are not only about the history of the university, they’re also about the future of the university,” he says, emphasizing that everyone plays a part in its success, whatever their role at UB. “It’s amazing when people come up to me to talk about their tour, even three, four, five years later. That will never get old.”

Logiudice’s love for UB was recognized in 2018 when he received an Outstanding Service Award from the Professional Staff Senate.

“I’ve never been more proud,” he says. “I’ve done some amazing things — I’ve thrown out first pitches at Major League baseball games — but that award was the pinnacle for me. Being honored by the place I love the most, by the people I work with, there’s nothing like it.”

He didn’t bring prepared remarks to the award ceremony, but he did have with him a beloved quotation from Chancellor Samuel P. Capen, one that he reads to every tour group he leads, and that he read again that day to the crowd of colleagues there to support him. Watch the video to hear it.