campus news

Celebrating faculty and staff excellence

Faculty and staff members celebrated during the 2023 Celebration of Faculty and Staff Excellence.

New SUNY Distinguished Professors were among those honored at the Celebration of Faculty and Staff Academic Excellence. They are (from left, flanked by President Satish K. Tripathi and Provost A. Scott Weber) Diana Aga, Jochen Autschbach, Xiufeng Liu, Thomas Thundat, Paul Hawthorne Vanouse and Igor Žutić. Not pictured: Robert Zivadinov. Photo: Joe Casio


Published November 2, 2023

“Indeed, you exemplify excellence at UB. ”
Provost A. Scott Weber

What is excellence?

It’s about “giving back.”

It’s about “winning victories for humanity.”

It’s about “the impact we have on our students and the role we play in ensuring they become successful.”

These definitions of excellence from some UB faculty members, aired as part of a video that kicked off Thursday’s Celebration of Faculty and Staff Academic Excellence, set the tone for the annual event, which marked its 20th anniversary this year.

“In embracing UB’s mission of excellence, our faculty and staff embody excellence,” President Satish K. Tripathi said in welcoming those attending the celebration in Lippes Concert Hall in Slee Hall. “Their commitment
to their profession and discipline manifests as research breakthroughs, student success, enhanced prosperity in the communities we serve and other impactful outcomes too numerous to list.

“We are so fortunate to be a part of a scholarly community that constantly raises the bar of academic excellence,” Tripathi said.

Thank you for upholding exemplary standards in your work and scholarship. We appreciate your innovative spirit, and the difference you are making in your professions and disciplines.”

President Tripathi (far left) and Provost Weber (far right) pose with honorees during 2023 Celebration of Faculty and Staff Academic Excellence.

Honored for 50 years of service to UB were (from left) Jonathan Dimock, William J. Jusko and John Henry Schlegel. Not pictured: Michael D. Garrick. Photo: Joe Casio

The annual Celebration of Faculty and Staff Academic Excellence recognizes those individuals whose long-term contributions have made a significant impact on the people and communities around them, whether through groundbreaking research or in ensuring the smooth operation of a department or office.

Robert Granfield, vice provost for faculty affairs, served as emcee and the main presenter during the hour-long ceremony. Faculty and staff were acknowledged on stage in several categories, including:

  • 50 and 60 years of service to UB.
  • UB Distinguished Professor.
  • SUNY Chancellor’s Awards for Excellence.
  • SUNY Distinguished faculty.
  • Prestigious national and international awards.

Provost A. Scott Weber wrapped up the celebration by telling honorees that the awards and honors they received during the past year “reflect UB’s commitment to delivering research, creative activities, education and engagement that address the world’s challenges and positively impact our local and global communities.”

“Indeed, you exemplify excellence at UB,” he said.

Following the ceremony, honorees, friends, family and colleagues gathered for a reception in the Slee lobby.

A selection of other research, teaching and mentoring awards received by faculty and staff during 2023 are listed on the Celebration of Academic Excellence website.