campus news

Conference at UB to address youth mental health crisis


Published May 23, 2024

Annahita Ball.
“The historically siloed approach to mental health services doesn’t provide many useful precedents for what we’d like to accomplish through ‘collective impact.’ But we’ve been working toward that end and this upcoming conference can further that momentum. ”
Annahita Ball, associate professor
School of Social Work

The Supporting Mental Health and Advocating for Resources Together (SMART) collaborative, in partnership with the School of Social Work, is holding a conference to address the youth mental health crisis and the growing challenges faced by young people and their families on May 29 at UB.

More than 300 attendees from the university, local school districts, community organizations, and mental health agencies are expected to attend the milestone event for SMART, a collaborative launched in 2022 that consists of area professionals dedicated to supporting the mental health of children and youth.

Annahita Ball, associate professor in the School of Social Work and a SMART steering committee member, has been assisting with the collaborative’s “collective impact” approach to help develop a common agenda that strengthens relationships across different sectors, agencies and organizations.

“A primary focus of this conference is to make sure education is included with other mental health providers, child welfare and youth service agencies,” says Ball, an expert in school-based mental health services and school-community partnerships. “Concentrating efforts in this area can help bridge the long-standing divide between schools and mental health service providers.”

Ball says children and families often encounter barriers caused by disconnect and fragmentation. One agency might address specific needs, while a particular school does the same, but to be truly successful and achieve optimal benefit, they must work together.

“The historically siloed approach to mental health services doesn’t provide many useful precedents for what we’d like to accomplish through ‘collective impact,’” she says. “But we’ve been working toward that end and this upcoming conference can further that momentum.”

The conference opens at 9 a.m. in Norton Hall, North Campus, with a keynote address from Melanie Sage, adjunct instructor in the School of Social Work, titled “Mental Health and Social Media,” followed by panels from the perspectives of parents, students and pediatricians.

The conference agenda can be found online.

Concerning trends surrounding youth mental health were worrisome before the COVID-19 pandemic and have grown even more alarming in more recent years.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that adolescent mental health continues to worsen in the U.S.

A CDC report using 10 years of data found that in 2021, more than 4 in 10 students felt persistently sad or hopeless. More than 1 in 5 seriously considered suicide.

“The numbers get even higher looking at different subgroups,” says Ball. “Black youth, LGBTQ+ and kids in poverty, for instance, show not only higher numbers, but trends that are escalating faster.”

SMART is comprised of representatives from Erie 1 BOCES, Erie 2 BOCES, Erie County, Live Well Erie, public school districts in Erie County, the Erie County Department of Mental Health, social-emotional health experts and community-based organizations that support mental health and students in crisis.