Olivia Gustafson, a junior majoring in aerospace engineering, works on a spaghetti tower.
Students had to build their tower using only spaghetti and marshmallows.
Ariana Allman (center with curly hair), a senior majoring in biomedical engineering, prepares to place a large marshmallow at the top of the tower.
Ariana Allman (center), a senior biomedical engineering major, watches as her teammate uses a measuring tape to measure the height of the tower.
Students prepare their entry in the popular egg drop competition. The idea is to build a contraption that will enable an egg to survive a fall from the third floor of the Student Union to the lobby below.
Students launch their egg from the third floor of the Student Union.
Whoops. Someone has egg on their face.
A survivor.
A potential winner.
The spotlight is on engineering this week as students in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences take part in student-run engineering and science-themed competitions. Photos: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki
Published February 22, 2018 This content is archived.