After his arrival on campus, Chancellor John B. King Jr. (second from left) met with President Satish K. Tripathi (second from right) and Provost A. Scott Weber, along with vice presidents, vice provosts and deans. Also pictured are SUNY Trustee Eunice Lewin (far left) and Venu Govindaraju (far right), vice president for research and economic development.
Following that meeting, the group gathered for a photo.
Tripathi and Weber (right) then took the chancellor on a walking tour of One World Café, Silverman Library, LevelUp Esports Arena and the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
King spoke with students at LevelUp.
On the final stop of the walking tour, King saw a demonstration of the newest member of the AI institute: Spot, the robot dog.
After the demonstration, Spot joined the group for a photo.
During the next meeting, King met with student representatives. Here, Tangeniqua Washington, a senior psychology major, smiles as she talks with King.
Joel Frederick, a sophomore business administration major, also shares a light moment with the chancellor.
King poses for a photo with the president, provost and student representatives.
During lunch at the Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences on the Downtown Campus, discussion focused on business, industry, health care and educational partnerships.
After lunch, King met with the local media.
This included an interview with Victoria Hill, a reporter with The Spectrum, UB's student newspaper.
Last Friday, SUNY Chancellor John B. King Jr. made a visit to UB — the first stop on a planned 64-campus tour. King met with deans, faculty, students and community stakeholders. Photos: Meredith Forrest Kulwicki
Published January 17, 2023