This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


  • Brazile to speak at King event

    Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile will speak at the 33rd annual Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Event, to be held at 8 p.m. Feb. 12 in the Center for the Arts, North Campus.

    The event is part of UB’s Distinguished Speakers Series.

    Brazile is a long-time political strategist whose work on Democratic campaigns dates back to Carter-Mondale (1976). After advising Bill Clinton’s 1992 and 1996 campaigns, she was appointed as Al Gore’s campaign manager in the 2000 general election, making her the first African-American woman in history to manage a presidential campaign.

    After the controversy over votes that followed the 2000 general election, Brazile was selected chair of the Democratic National Committee’s Voting Rights Institute, an organization dedicated to upholding the right of all Americans to participate in the political process.

    Tickets may be purchased at the Center for the Arts box office, or at all Ticketmaster outlets, including

    Two of the series’ contributing sponsors—United University Professions and TIAA-CREF—are offering discount vouchers that provide significant savings on single ticket purchases. Click here  for more information. for more information.

  • Women’s Club to hold wine tasting

    The UB Women’s Club will hold its annual wine tasting dinner party to benefit the Grace Capen Scholarships at 7 p.m. Feb. 13 at the Buffalo Launch Club, 503 East River Road, Grand Island.

    The cost of the event, which will include a basket raffle and auction, is $65. Reservations are required.

    For more information or to make reservations, contact Joan Ryan at 626-9332.

  • Zodiaque to continue ‘celebration’

    The Zodiaque Dance Company will conclude its 35th anniversary celebration with “Celebration 35 Dances On,” its spring performance to be held Feb. 18-22 in the Drama Theatre in the Center for the Arts, North Campus.

    Performances will take place at 8 p.m. Feb. 18-21 and at 2 p.m. on Feb. 22.

    Concert highlights include the completion of a five-movement work by composer Marc Mellits, choreographed by UB faculty member Melanie Aceto; a guest work and one-night-only special performance by alumna Gina Pero on Feb. 20; a repertory work from LehrerDance, choreographed by artistic director Jon Lehrer; new works presented by UB faculty members Anne Burnidge, Jeanne Fornarola and Kerry Ring; and selected repertory from the fall “Celebration 35” concert choreographed by faculty members Tracy Navarro and Tom Ralabate, Zodiaque director.

    Tickets are $17.50 for general admission and $9.50 for students and seniors, and are available at the Center for the Arts box office and at all Ticketmaster locations, including

  • UB sets Citizen Police Academy

    Faculty and staff interested in learning about the operations and procedures of University Police can take part in the first UB Citizen Police Academy, scheduled to begin later this month.

    The academy will be held on seven Wednesday evenings beginning Feb. 18. It will include classroom instruction on such topics as New York State penal law, patrol procedures and crime scene investigation, as well as hands-on training in defensive tactics and patrol ride-alongs.

    The program will conclude with a graduation ceremony.

    Those interested in participating should call Lt. David Urbanek at 645-2228, or stop by University Police headquarters in Bissell Hall, North Campus, to obtain an application.