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UB salutes faculty, staff authors

Those attending Monday’s “Salute to Authors” reception check out some of the published books. Photo: NANCY J. PARISI

Published: March 8, 2012

UB faculty and staff are a prolific bunch. Since 2007, they have authored or edited more than 500 books.

The latest batch of authors and editors—those whose work was published during the past two years—were recognized on Monday at “An Anthology of Recognition: The Fifth Salute to UB Authors,” held in the Center for Tomorrow.

The event honored 117 faculty and staff from UB and Roswell Park Cancer Institute who authored or edited more than 125 books.

Full-length books, noted Alex Cartwright, vice president for research and economic development, “have a lasting impact upon the academy.”

“Books allow for in-depth analyses, and for expansive creativity. Books are the central repository for information that then informs all, and they preserve a history across the disciplines,” Cartwright wrote in the program for the event. “They are a picture of one’s soul. To author or edit a book is an important accomplishment, and it is this form of scholarship that we honor in this salute to UB authors.”

The books recognized at Monday’s reception reflect “the breadth and depth of the expertise, creativity and scholarship” at UB, he wrote, with work ranging from textbooks in the sciences, medicine and engineering to works of poetry, fiction and nonfiction.

The authors and editors who were recognized at the reception, with their departments and book titles, are:

Elizabeth G. Adelman, Law Library, “New York Legal Research, Second Edition”

Victor Albert (editor), Biological Sciences, “Parsimony, Phylogeny and Genomics”

Raja Alomari, Computer Science and Engineering, “Automated Lumbar Spine Diagnosis: Toward a Clinical Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Lumbar Spine”

Nancy Anderson (editor), Visual Studies, “The Educated Eye: Visual Culture and Pedagogy in the Life Sciences”

Daniel Antonius (editor), Psychiatry, “Interdisciplinary Analyses of Terrorism and Political Aggression”

Arjang A. Assad (editor), School of Management, “Profiles in Operations Research: Pioneers and Innovators”

Michael Basinski, Poetry Collection, University Libraries, “Trailers”

Sarah Bay-Cheng (editor), Theatre & Dance, “Mapping Intermediality in Performance”

Sarah Bay-Cheng (editor), Theatre & Dance, “Poets at Play: An Anthology of Modernist Drama”

Theodora Belniak, Law Library, “New York Legal Research, Second Edition”

Sean J. Bennett (editor), Geography, “Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses and Tools”

Arup Bhattacharya (editor), Cancer Prevention and Control, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, “A Compendium of Essays on Alternative Therapy”

Peter F. Biehl (series editor), Anthropology, “Eventful Archaeologies: New Approaches to Social Transformation in the Archaeological Record”

Peter F. Biehl (series editor), Anthropology, “The Magdalenian Household: Unraveling Domesticity”

Kay Bishop, Library and Information Studies, “Connecting Libraries with Classrooms: The Curricular Roles of the Media Specialist, Second Edition”

Maureen P. Boyd, Learning and Instruction, “Real Talk in Elementary Schools: Effective Oral Language Practice”

Beau Braden, Emergency Medicine, “Emergency Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit”

Kazimierz Braun, Theatre & Dance, “Pani Scenograf: Jadwiga Pozakowska na scenach Polskich (Lady Designer: Jadwiga Pozakowska on Polish Stages)”

Irus Braverman, Law School, “Planted Flags: Trees, Land and Law in Israel/Palestine”

Galen Brokaw, Romance Languages and Literatures, “A History of the Khipu”

John Edgar Browning (editor), English/Transnational Studies, “The Vampire, His Kith and Kin: A Critical Edition”

John Edgar Browning, English/Transnational Studies, “Dracula in Visual Media: Film, Television, Comic Book and Electronic Game Appearances, 1921-2010”

Michel Bruneau, Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering, “Ductile Design of Steel Structures, Second Edition”

David R. Castillo (editor), Romance Languages and Literatures, “Spectacle and Topophilia: Reading Early Modern and Postmodern Hispanic Cultures”

C. M. Chang, Industrial and Systems Engineering, “Service Systems Management and Engineering: Creating Strategic Differentiation and Operational Excellence”

Vipin Chaudhary, Computer Science and Engineering, “Automated Lumbar Spine Diagnosis: Toward a Clinical Computer-Aided Diagnosis System for Lumbar Spine”

Vipin Chaudhary, Computer Science and Engineering, “Computation Checkpointing and Migration”

Deborah D. L. Chung, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, “Piloted to Serve”

Deborah D. L. Chung, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, “Functional Materials: Electrical, Dielectric, Electromagnetic, Optical and Magnetic Applications”

Richard A. Cohen, Philosophy, “Levinasian Meditations: Ethics, Philosophy and Religion”

Gerard J. Connors, Research Institute on Addictions, “Drug Use and Abuse, Sixth Edition”

John L. Crassidis, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, “Optimal Estimation of Dynamic Systems, Second Edition”

Elpida S. Crawford, Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Department of Nuclear Medicine, “Nuclear Cardiac Imaging—Terminology and Technical Aspects, Second Edition”

Anne B. Curtis, Medicine, “Fundamentals of Cardiac Pacing”

Thomas W. Cusick, Mathematics, “Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications”

Greg Dimitriadis, Educational Leadership and Policy, “Critical Dispositions: Evidence and Expertise in Education”

Jonathan Dimock, Mathematics, “Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory: A Mathematical Primer”

Katharina Dittmar (editor), Biological Sciences, “Evolution after Gene Duplication”

Stephen L. Dyson, Classics, “Rome: A Living Portrait of an Ancient City”

Stephen L. Dyson (series editor), Classics, “Eventful Archaeologies: New Approaches to Social Transformation in the Archaeological Record”

Stephen L. Dyson (series editor), Classics, “The Magdalenian Household: Unraveling Domesticity”

Charles Patrick Ewing, Law School, “Justice Perverted: Sex Offense Law, Psychology and Public Policy”

Janice Cooke Feigenbaum, School of Nursing, “Celebrating 75 Years of Promoting Excellence in Nursing—The History of the University at Buffalo School of Nursing”

Jerold C. Frakes (editor), English, “Contextualizing the Muslim Other in Medieval Christian Discourse”

Jerold C. Frakes, English, “Jerusalem of Lithuania: A Cultural History of Litvak Jewry”

Jerold C. Frakes, English, “Vernacular and Latin Literary Discourses of the Muslim Other in Medieval Germany”

Jerold C. Frakes (editor), English, “Between Two Worlds: Yiddish-German Encounters”

Jerold C. Frakes (translator), English, “The Routledge Introduction to Literary Ottoman”

Yun Fu (editor), Computer Science and Engineering, “Manifold Learning Theory and Applications”

Shigeji Fujita, professor emeritus, Physics, “Mathematical Physics”

James A. Gardner (editor), Law School, “New Frontiers of State Constitutional Law: Dual Enforcement of Norms”

Rodolphe Gasché, Comparative Literature, “The Stelliferous Fold: Toward a Virtual Law of Literature’s Self-Formation”

Rodolphe Gasché, Comparative Literature, “Un arte muy fragil: Sobre la retorica de Aristoteles”

Robert J. Genco (editor), Oral Biology and Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach, “Periodontal Disease and Overall Health: A Clinician’s Guide”

David A. Gerber, History, “American Immigration: A Very Short Introduction”

Jim Gordon, University Libraries, “Office 2011 for Mac All-in-One for Dummies”

Jim Gordon, University Libraries, “Office 2008 for Mac All-in-One for Dummies”

Jorge J. E. Gracia, Philosophy, “Painting Borges: Philosophy Interpreting Art Interpreting Literature”

Jorge J. E. Gracia (editor), Philosophy, “Forging People: Race, Ethnicity and Nationality in Hispanic American and Latino/a Thought”

Erin Hatton, Sociology, “The Temp Economy: From Kelly Girls to Permatemps in Postwar America”

Clyde F. Herreid (editor), Biological Sciences, “Science Stories: Using Case Studies to Teach Critical Thinking”

Christopher V. Hollister (author, editor), University Libraries, “Best Practices for Credit-Bearing Information Literacy Courses”

Maria S. Horne (editor), Theatre & Dance, “Actors in University Theatre / Gli attori nel teatro universitario / Les acteurs des théâtres universitaires / Actores en el teatro universitario”

Maria S. Horne (editor), Theatre & Dance, “Identidad y sus Lenguajes en el Teatro Universitario; Paradigmas y Paradojas / VII Congreso Internacional de Teatro Universitario de la AITU en Puebla-Mexico”

Aaron W. Hughes, Institute of Jewish Thought and Heritage, “Theorizing Islam: Disciplinary Deconstruction and Reconstruction”

Aaron W. Hughes, Institute of Jewish Thought and Heritage, “The Invention of Jewish Identity: Bible, Philosophy and the Art of Translation”

Syed Sajid Husain, VA Western New York Healthcare System and Department of Nuclear Medicine, “Nuclear Cardiac Imaging—Terminology and Technical Aspects, Second Edition”

Bruce Jackson, English, “Full Color Depression: First Kodachromes from America’s Heartland”

Stephen Jacobson (editor), Educational Leadership and Policy, “U.S. and Cross-National Policies, Practices and Preparation: Implications for Successful Instructional Leadership, Organizational Learning and Culturally Responsive Practices”

Dietrich Jehle (senior editor), Emergency Medicine, “Emergency Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit”

Candace S. Johnson (editor), Roswell Park Cancer Institute, “Vitamin D and Cancer”

Robert Knopf (editor), Theatre & Dance, “Theater of the Avant-Garde, 1950-2000: A Critical Anthology”

Carolyn Korsmeyer, Philosophy, “Savoring Disgust: The Foul and the Fair in Aesthetics”

Kathleen A. Kost (editor), School of Social Work, “Surviving Disaster: The Role of Social Networks”

Jill P. Koyama, Educational Leadership and Policy, “Making Failure Pay: High-Stakes Testing, For-Profit Tutoring and Public Schools”

Kemper Lewis, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, “An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering, Third Edition”

Xiufeng Liu, Learning and Instruction, “Using and Developing Measurement Instruments in Science Education: A Rasch Modeling Approach”

Karen Mac Cormack, English, “TALE LIGHT: New and Selected Poems 1984-2009”

Martha A. Malamud (editor), Classics, “The Origin of Sin: An English Translation of the Hamartigenia”

David M. Mark (editor), Geography, “Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary Perspectives”

James Maynard (editor), University Libraries, “(Re:) Working the Ground: Essays on the Late Writings of Robert Duncan”

Steve McCaffery, English, “Panopticon”

Sarunas Milisauskas (series editor), Anthropology, “Eventful Archaeologies: New Approaches to Social Transformation in the Archaeological Record”

Sarunas Milisauskas (series editor), Anthropology, “The Magdalenian Household: Unraveling Domesticity”

Vladimir V. Mitin, Electrical Engineering, Introduction to Nanoelectronics: Science, Nanotechnology, Engineering and Applications (translated into Arabic)

Vladimir V. Mitin, Electrical Engineering, Quantum Mechanics for Nanostructures

David Murray, Management Science and Systems, “Microsoft Access 2010 Tutorial and Lab Manual”

Sandra Murray, Psychology, “Interdependent Minds: The Dynamics of Close Relationships”

Carl H. Nightingale, Transnational Studies, “Segregation: A Global History of Divided Cities”

Elizabeth Otto (editor), Visual Studies, “The New Woman International: Representations in Photography and Film from the 1870s through the 1960s”

Kelly L. Patterson, School of Social Work, Fair and Affordable Housing in the US: Trends, Outcomes, Future Directions

C. Carl Pegels, Management Science and Systems, “Prominent Dutch American Entrepreneurs: Their Contributions to American Society, Culture and Economy”

Deborah Reed-Danahay, Anthropology, “Civic Engagements: The Citizenship Practices of Indian and Vietnamese Immigrants”

James Reidy, Ophthalmology, “Emergency Ultrasound of the Eye and Orbit”

Robert I. Reis, Law School, “Intellectual Property, Private Rights, the Public Interest and the Regulation of Creative Activity, Second Edition”

Michael A. Rembis, History, “Defining Deviance: Sex, Science and Delinquent Girls, 1890-1960”

James D. Reynolds (editor), Ophthalmology, “Pediatric Retina”

John P. Richard (editor), Chemistry, “Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, Volume 44”

Sarah A. Robert (author, editor), Learning and Instruction, “School Food Politics: The Complex Ecology of Hunger and Feeding in Schools Around the World”

Frederick Sachs (author, editor), Physiology and Biophysics, “Cardiac Mechano-Electric Coupling and Arrhythmias”

George Lawrence Sanders, Management Science and Systems, “Developing New Products and Services: Learning, Differentiation and Innovation”

Randy P. Schiff, English, “Revivalist Fantasy: Alliterative Verse and Nationalist Literary History”

Nancy A. Schiller (editor), University Libraries, “Science Stories: Using Case Studies to Teach Critical Thinking”

Kris Schindler, Computer Science and Engineering, “Introduction to Microprocessor Based Systems Using the ARM Processor”

Erik R. Seeman, History, “The Huron-Wendat Feast of the Dead: Indian-European Encounters in Early North America”

Erik R. Seeman, History, “Death in the New World: Cross-Cultural Encounters, 1492-1800”

Robert Seller, professor emeritus, Family Medicine, “Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints, Sixth Edition”

Alan L. Selman, Computer Science and Engineering, “Computability and Complexity Theory, Second Edition”

Raj Sharman (editor), Management Science and Systems, “Digital Identity and Access Management: Technologies and Frameworks”

Mark Shepard (editor), Architecture, “Sentient City: Ubiquitous Computing, Architecture and the Future of Urban Space”

Robert M. Silverman (editor), Urban and Regional Planning, “Fair and Affordable Housing in the US: Trends, Outcomes, Future Directions”

Sanjukta Das Smith (editor), Management Science and Systems, “Digital Identity and Access Management: Technologies and Frameworks”

Edward Snell, Structural Biology, “Macromolecular Crystallization and Crystal Perfection”

Michal Stachowiak (editor), Pathology and Anatomical Sciences, “Stem Cells—From Mechanisms to Technologies”

Edward Steinfeld, Architecture, “Inclusive Housing”

Phillips Stevens Jr. (editor), Anthropology, “Anthropology of Religion: Critical Concepts in Religious Studies”

Winnifred Fallers Sullivan (editor), Law School, “After Secular Law”

Andrew Symons, Family Medicine, “Differential Diagnosis of Common Complaints, Sixth Edition”

Mateo Taussig-Rubbo (editor), Law School, “After Secular Law”

Gwynn Thomas, Global Gender Studies, “Contesting Legitimacy in Chile: Familial Ideals, Citizenship and Political Struggle, 1970-1990”

Jean-Jacques Thomas (editor), Romance Languages and Literatures, “Pierre Alferi: Literature’s Cinematic Turn”

Darren C. Treadway (editor), Organization and Human Resources, “Politics in Organizations: Theory and Research Considerations”

Donald L. Trump (editor), Oncology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, “Vitamin D and Cancer”

Emmanuel S. Tzanakakis (editor), Chemical and Biological Engineering, “Stem Cells—From Mechanisms to Technologies”

Nizami Z. Vagidov, Electrical Engineering, Quantum Mechanics for Nanostructures

Joseph Valente, English, “The Myth of Manliness in Irish National Culture, 1880-1922”

John M. Violanti, Social and Preventive Medicine, “Working in High Risk Environments: Developing Sustained Resilience”

John M. Violanti, Social and Preventive Medicine, “On the Edge: Recent Perspectives on Police Suicide”

John M. Violanti (editor), Social and Preventive Medicine, “Enhancing Human Performance in Security Operations: International and Law Enforcement Perspectives”

John M. Violanti, Social and Preventive Medicine, “Traumatic Stress in Police Officers: A Career-Length Assessment from Recruitment to Retirement”

John M. Violanti, Social and Preventive Medicine, “Copicide: Concepts, Cases and Controversies of Suicide by Cop”

John M. Violanti, Social and Preventive Medicine, “Police Suicide: Epidemic in Blue, Second Edition”

John M. Violanti, Social and Preventive Medicine, “Under the Blue Shadow: Clinical and Behavioral Perspectives on Police Suicide”

John M. Violanti (editor), Social and Preventive Medicine, “Who Gets PTSD? Issues of Posttraumatic Stress Vulnerability”

Arun Vishwanath (author, editor), Communication, “The Diffusion of Innovations”

David A. Westbrook, Law School, “Deploying Ourselves: Islamist Violence and the Responsible Projection of U.S. Force”

Jonathan White, Urban and Regional Planning, “Inclusive Housing”

Kari J. Winter, American Studies, “The American Dreams of John B. Prentis, Slave Trader”

Randy K. Yerrick, Learning and Instruction, “What Successful Science Teachers Do”

Jiyuan Yu, Philosophy, “Aristotle’s Ethics”

Paul Zarembka (editor), Economics, “Revitalizing Marxist Theory for Today’s Capitalism”

Paul Zarembka (editor), Economics “The National Question and the Question of Crisis”

Ezra Zubrow (editor), Anthropology, “The Magdalenian Household: Unraveling Domesticity”

Igor Zutic (editor), Physics, “Handbook of Spin Transport and Magnetism”