Boyer, Headrick to speak at memorial for Alan Freeman

A gathering to remember the late Alan Freeman, UB law professor, noted author and expert in constitutional law, will be held at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 12, in the theater in the Student Union on the North Campus.

Speakers in the program will include Barry B. Boyer, dean of the UB School of Law, and Thomas E. Headrick, UB provost and former dean of the school.

The popular professor and prolific writer died May 26 following a long illness. He joined the UB law faculty in 1982 after serving one year as a visiting professor. He and his wife, Betty Mensch, a UB professor of law, co-authored "The Politics of Virtue: Is Abortion Debatable?," which advocates introducing theological thought into the public debate on abortion to bring about a compromise between the two sides of the volatile issue. They also authored a text on property law, and collaborated on numerous book chapters, articles in legal journals, essays, reviews and commentaries.

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