Media Study to screen McAloon film

Pierre McAloon was a 20-year-old junior in the UB Department of Media Study when he died unexpectedly this summer. One of his last projects was the production of "Corridor," a one-hour documentary that explores the complicated relationship between Buffalo and its northern suburbs.

The Department of Media Study will present a memorial screening of the film Oct. 21 at 3 p.m. in the Screening Room in the Center for the Arts, North Campus. The screening, open to the public, will be free. It will be preceded by comments in commemoration of the filmmaker by friends and family and will be followed by a reception.

Jim Swan, professor of English and chair of the Department of Media Study, calls the film "a very good and well-contextualized work that presents a strong sense of the history of the 'corridor' that connects downtown Buffalo to the town of Amherst."

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