Workshop to focus on leadership skills


Reporter Staff

Developing leadership skills among women in the campus community will be the topic of an upcoming workshop sponsored jointly by the Task Force on Women at UB and the Affirmative Action Committee of the Professional Staff Senate.

"Women's Voices: Insights for a Successful Career" will be held at the Center for Tomorrow Thursday, March 7. Registration begins at 8 a.m. The workshop is free, but advance registration is requested. Those interested in attending may contact Kathy Berchou at 645-2600.

The workshop will feature a panel discussion and break-out sessions on topics ranging from networking to communications. Featured speakers include Physiology Professor Beverly Bishop, Spectrum Editor-in-Chief Bonnie Butkas, Assistant Provost Elmira Mangum-Daniel, Law School Staff Assistant Gloria Paveljack and WBFO General Manager Jennifer Roth.

"The workshop is to honor leadership from different parts of our work community," explained workshop organizer Judy Miller. It will also provide an opportunity for women to network and "focus on a variety of workplace skills," added Miller.

The Task Force on Women was developed by President Greiner two years ago and charged with evaluating the status of women in all walks of campus life. The task force is due to produce a major report on its findings next month, and will take part in "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" on April 25, an international event sponsored by the Ms. Foundation.

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