
Open Letter from the Environmental InstituteTask Force

The purpose of this letter is to solicit input from the university community regarding the concept and functions of a university-wide environmental institute. Such an environmental institute would facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration in teaching, research, and outreach and enhance the visibility of the university's environmental programs, both internally and externally, by providing a coherent and comprehensive picture of the full range of educational opportunities and research programs available at the University at Buffalo.

As background information, in 1994, the Council of Deans (in concert with the Provost) approved the formation of a university-wide task force. The task force was asked to prepare a vision and need statement and to draft a plan of action that could guide the university in its quest to improve its efforts related to environmental education, research, and outreach. The report of that committee, dated May 17, 1995, proposed the establishment of a University at Buffalo Institute for the Environment. (The full text of that report can be accessed through the UB Wings Homepage at address: [http://wings.buffalo.edu/eitf/] .) This academic year, the Provost appointed a smaller task force and requested that it focus on the recommendations contained in the first report.

The report envisioned that an environmental institute could mobilize and catalyze faculty, staff, and students sharing a common interest in the environment. It stated that, in so doing, the institute would encourage and facilitate the development of high-quality, multi-disciplinary, cross-decanal environmental education, research, and outreach programs. Further, it was felt that an institute could give greater coherence to the various educational, research, and outreach programs already underway, thus placing the university in a more favorable and visible position for addressing existing and emerging environmental problems and issues.

The task force is actively deliberating the possible form and functions of an environmental institute. Input is desired and encouraged. We want your suggestions. In particular, input is requested on the following:

1) the concept of an environmental institute, as briefly described above (outlined more fully in the report available on UB Wings);

2) the way in which affiliation with such an institute might be made most attractive to members of the university community;

3) how the environmental institute should interface with the existing organizational structure of the university (i.e., schools, faculties, and departments); and

4) further elaboration on the possible functions of the institute.

Please send your written comments to: Ralph R. Rumer, Department of Civil Engineering, 207 Jarvis, or e-mail to rumer@acsu.buffalo.edu. Questions or requests for additional information may be directed to any member of the task force. A report summarizing this year's deliberations, findings, and recommendations will be submitted to the Provost at the end of the academic year.

Signed by members of the Environmental Institute Task Force

Joseph V. DePinto, Great Lakes Program

Dennis Hodge, Department of Geology

Howard Lasker, Department of Biological Sciences

David Mark, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis

Errol Meidinger (Vice Chair), School of Law and Department of Sociology

H. Lorraine Oak, Office of the Provost

James R. Olson, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology

Ralph R. Rumer (Chair and Interim Director), Department of Civil Engineering

John Sheffer, Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Urban Affairs

John J. Spagnoli, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

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