George Lakoff, professor of linguistics at the University of
California at Berkeley, will talk about how conservative and liberal
differences arise from two different models of the family and of the
nation as family-the strict father model and the nurturing parent
model-in a lecture titled "Moral Politics: What Conservatives Know that
Liberals Don't" to be presented at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 11 in 280 Park
Hall on UB's North Campus. Lakoff will discuss how these ideas explain why conservatives and liberals often view the other group as illogical. Conservatives, for example, tend not to understand how liberals can be for protecting children while upholding the rights of criminals, such as child molesters. Liberals don't understand how one can be pro-life and for the death penalty. Lakoff will show how conservatives have so far done a better job than liberals of spelling out the links between American politics, morality and the family. Sponsored by the UB Center for Cognitive Science and the UB Department of Linguistics, the talk is part of an international conference to be held at UB April 12-14 on "Conceptual Structure, Discourse and Language II. Conference sessions will be held at the Center for Tomorrow, on Friday, April 12, in Wende Hall 114 (South Campus) on Saturday, April 13, and in Knox 104 on Sunday, April 14. Conference co-sponsors are Conference in the Disciplines, Council on International Studies, Intensive English Language Institute and World Languages Institute. For more information, contact the Center for Cognitive Science at 645-2177.