Alumni cable show to focus on women's health


News Services Staff

The Women's Health Initiative, the largest clinical health study ever undertaken in the United States, will be the focus of the April broadcasts of "UB Today," a 30-minute, monthly UB "alumni magazine on cable" that airs on Adelphia Cable's community access channel, Channel 18.

The show will air at 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 14, and be rebroadcast at 6:30 p.m. on the remaining Sundays in the month.

It was filmed at a "UB at SUNRISE" program last month that featured Jean Wactawski-Wende, clinical assistant professor of gynecology and obstetrics at UB, which is one of 16 lead research centers in the national study.

Wactawski-Wende also is a co-principal investigator for the Buffalo portion of the study, which will receive $11 million over the life of the 12-year project.

The Women's Health Initiative, funded at $625 million by the National Institutes of Health, aims to enroll 160,000 women between the ages of 50 and 79 at 45 centers across the U.S. The women will take part in identical studies designed to investigate the causes of, as well as the effectiveness of various treatments for coronary heart disease, breast and colorectal cancers, and osteoporosis in older women.

The "UB Today" television program, which has the same name as the UB alumni publication, is designed to provide viewers with highlights and samples of interesting people, places and things on campus, says William J. Evitts, executive director of alumni relations at UB.

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