Ever wish you could get a journal as soon as it was published, at off
hours, or be able to see an article while someone else was using it? The
good news is that full text scholarly journals are now available online.
The University Libraries are pleased to announce that UB is participating in Project Muse, an initiative that enables worldwide networked access to the full text of Johns Hopkins University Press' scholarly journals. Project Muse makes works of scholarship more widely available within individual university communities by using online technology to produce affordable electronic journals. Journals currently available through Project Muse include Configurations, MLN (Modern Languages Notes), ELH (English Literary History), Modern Fiction Studies, Reviews in American History, American Journal of Mathematics, Callaloo, The Lion and the Unicorn, NLH (New Literary History), Diacritics, Henry James Review, Literature and Medicine, Modernism/Modernity, The Yale Journal of Criticism, and American Quarterly. Only current issues of these journals are available at present. However, Project Muse will not remove these issues as new ones are added, so the number of issues available for each journal will continue to grow. In addition, thanks to funding from the Mellon Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities, within the next three years Project Muse will publish online more than 40 of the Press' journals in the humanities, social sciences and mathematics. A subscription to a Project Muse journal is a subscription in the truest sense. As a subscribing institution, we may distribute articles freely within the contiguous UB campus community. Users may download, print and make unlimited paper copies for archival purposes, or for classroom and personal use. In addition, new issues of these journals are placed online in advance of the printed version (approximately four weeks). Members of the UB community may access electronic journals by title through the UB Libraries Electronic Journals Web page at http://wings.b uffalo.edu/libraries/e-resources/ejournals, or if you are specifically interested in Johns Hopkins' journals, you may connect to Project Muse directly at http://muse.jhu.edu. For information about accessing the World Wide Web through your campus account, consult the CIT Help Desk at 645-3542. -Loss Peque�o Glazier and Nancy Schiller, University Libraries