Faculty, regardless of their individual language proficiency, can offer an LxC option in their courses to broaden and enliven course content by including foreign language materials. Such materials provide intercultural perspectives on course content and foster language skills in LxC participating students.
The program revolves around Language Resource Specialists, (LRSs) usually international graduate students, who are selected for their linguistic background and disciplinary expertise. The LRSs prepare optional substitute course assignments utilizing non-English source materials and lead weekly study-group discussions in English with participating students to help them understand the LxC assignments and relate them to the content of the course as a whole. The LRSs are hired-in consultation with the participating faculty member-and trained by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures.
For more information, contact Mark Ashwill, director, World Languages Institute, at 645-2292 or at ASHWILL@acsu.buffalo.edu.