University at Buffalo: Reporter


UB sports build pride in the university
Kudos to Nelson Townsend his staff in bringing UB Athletics to the foreground and creating a pride in UB. I only take exception to the fact that you state that no one is bragging about UB at the watercooler. Not only do I brag about UB at the watercooler, I also take pleasure in posting messages on the Internet bragging about UB athletics.

Some friends (even those who are UB grads) think that I am nuts in how I brag about UB. But I will have the last laugh knowing that I have been supporting the Bulls and Royals from the beginning. I take great pleasure in the fact that I stood in a store in a mall in Orange County, N.Y., last weekend watching most of the UB-Niagara game on Direct TV in a store. It was even more fun to hear the winning shot on the radio driving home. You should let everyone know that the Bulls can be heard for all of their games on WWKB 1520-AM. With the 50,000 watt signal at night the station can be picked pretty clearly in the New York City area (as well as probably well into the Midwest) at night. Some of the games can also be seen on Channel 313 on Direct TV around the nation.

I also try to post messages around the Internet about UB athletics. Last March I got into a running debate with a student at Cal-Berkeley over who had better teams and academics. Naturally I pointed out that Berkeley was only the "Buffalo of the West," and a poor imitation at best.

If people start watching and listening to the Bulls they will begin to talk about the Bulls and Royals around the watercooler and everywhere else.

Go Bulls!!!!!!!!! Go Royals!!!!!!!!!!

Ronald Balter
UB 1980
Brooklyn, New York
Received via e-mail

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