University at Buffalo: Reporter

UB profs to teach under Fulbright program

News Services Editor
Two University at Buffalo faculty members will teach abroad during the spring semester under the auspices of the prestigious Fulbright scholar program.

Isabel S. Marcus, professor of law, will lecture on American constitutional law, international human rights and family law at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania.

Mark E. Shechner, professor of English, will lecture in Israel on American modern literature. He will teach at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv.

Known and respected as a legal scholar on abortion and women's and human rights and related issues, Marcus earned master's, doctoral and law degrees from the University of California at Berkeley.

She is working on a book on domestic violence and the law in the former Eastern Bloc countries of Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania.

Shechner, also an alumnus of UC-Berkeley, taught as a Fulbright scholar in Japan in 1980.

At the two Israeli universities, he'll focus on modern American fiction and authors, including Toni Morrison, Maxine Hong Kingston, Richard Ford and Raymond Carver.

For half a century, the Fulbright program has been recognized as the flagship program in international educational exchange.

Selection is a highly competitive, peer-review process conducted by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars. It is administered by the United State Information Agency and awarded by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board.

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