Florida North
UB was like a resort on Sunday--with temperatures in the 70s, students headed outdoors for study and sports. Freshman Leisha Smith found a sunny spot at Baird Point on the North Campus to kick back and catch some rays.
Paid parking proposal to be re-examined Faculty, professional-staff members voice opposition to plan developed by task force
A proposal to relocate most of the North Campus' paid/visitor parking spaces from the Fronczak lot to the Slee lots and require visitors to campus to pay for parking at night and on weekends will be re-examined in light of almost unanimous opposition to it voiced by faculty and professional-staff members.
Gift boosts Honors Scholars to 75 for Fall
Taking a monumental step that will change the lives of even more UB students, the anonymous donor who started UB's Distinguished Honors Scholars program has reached the $4 million mark with another donation of $800,000 to fully fund the education of academically gifted students.
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The Reporter is a campus community newspaper published by the Division of University Services, State University of New York at Buffalo. Editorial
offices are located at UB News Services, 136 Crofts Hall, Amherst, NY,
14260, 716-645-2626.
The Reporter publishes in print and online every Thursday during the academic year.
Director of News Services: Arthur Page
Associate Director of News Services: Sue Wuetcher
Editor: Christine Vidal
Associate Editor: Joan Danzig
Art Director: Becky Farnham
Design Assistant: Kevin Bosinski
News Services Editors: Lois Baker, Patricia Donovan, Ellen Goldbaum, Mary Beth Spina
Online Publisher: Benjamin Edelman