This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Faculty to be honored for teaching excellence

Published: February 6, 2003

UB will honor faculty members who have made a notable contribution to excellence in teaching during a reception from 4-6 p.m. today in the Anderson Gallery.

The faculty members being recognized—182 in number—are SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professors and/or recipients of the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching and Librarianship.

"Teaching is at the heart of what we do," said Provost Elizabeth D. Capaldi, calling these faculty members' "distinguished efforts in teaching" a "contribution to...students and to the university at a whole."

"It is appropriate that the campus pause to recognize the importance of these individuals and collective efforts to the university," Capaldi said.

In addition to current faculty members, those being honored include emeritus faculty members and some who have left the university. They are, listed by decanal unit:

School of Architecture and Planning:
Alfred D. Price
M. Beth Tauke

College of Arts and Sciences:
William S. Allen
Robert D. Allendoerfer
Richard R. Almon
Norman Baker
Thomas C. Barry
Orville T. Beachley
Barbara J. Bono
James B. Brady
Carrie T. Bramen
Harvey Breverman
Frank V. Bright
Kah Kyung Cho
Diane R. Christian
James B. Coover
Philip Coppens
Robert W. Creeley
Robert J. Daly
Huw M. Davies
Victor A. Doyno
Charles H.V. Ebert
Saul Elkin
Albert G. Fadell
Irving Feldman
Leslie A. Fiedler
Richard D. Fly
Stephen J. Free
Michael H. Frisch
Michael G. Fuda
Joseph A. Gardella Jr.
Newton Garver
Francis M. Gasparini
Bernard R. Gelbaum
David A. Gerber
Dorothy F. Glass
Richard J. Gonsalves
Jorge J. Garcia
Todd Hennessey
Clyde F. Herreid
John T. Ho
Stacy C. Hubbard
Michael S. Hudecki
Elaine M. Hull
Richard T. Hull
Georg G. Iggers
Bruce Jackson
Jack Katz
Elizabeth L. Kennedy
Gerald B. Koudelka
James R. LaFountain
George R. Levine
Murray Levine
Michael P. Long
Christopher A. Loretz
Jeannette M. Ludwig
Joseph Masling
James E. McConnell
John A. Meacham
Erika A. Metzger
Philip G. Miles
Charles E. Mitchell
Orville T. Murphy
George H. Nancollas
Catherine L. Olsen
John J. Peradotto
Athos Petrou
Paras N. Prasad
Carmelo Privitera
Jonathan F. Reichert
John Ringland
Neil Schmitz
Harriet Simons
Joyce E. Sirianni
Albert T. Steegmann Jr.
Phillips Stevens Jr.
Gordon E. Swartz
Kenneth J. Takeuchi
Joseph J. Tufariello
Margarita Vargas
Bernard Weinstein
Claude E. Welch
Scott W. Williams
Wolfgang Wolck

Graduate School of Education:
Rodney L. Doran
J. Ronald Gentile
Michael W. Kibby
Gerald R. Rising

School of Dental Medicine:
Sebastian G. Ciancio
Alan J. Drinnan
Robert J. Genco
Norman D. Mohl
Joseph R. Natiella
Mirdza E. Neiders
Russell J. Nisengard

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences:
Shahid Ahmad
Joseph F. Atkinson
Christina L. Bloebaum
Alexander N. Cartwright
Colin G. Drury
James N. Jensen
Mark H. Karwan
David A. Kofke
Kemper E. Lewis
Carl R. Lund
Cyrus K. Madnia
Dennis P. Malone
Hinrich R. Martens
Roger W. Mayne
Joseph C. Mollendorf
Triantafillos Mountziaris
Johanne M. Nitsche
Sherwood P. Prawel
William J. Rae
William J. Rapaport
Eli Ruckenstein
Irving H. Shames
Sargur N. Srihari
Warren H. Thomas
Thomas W. Weber
Sol W. Weller

School of Informatics:
Judith S. Robinson
A. Neil Yerkey

School of Law:
James B. Atleson
Thomas E. Headrick
Kenneth F. Joyce

School of Management:
Winston W. Chang
Ronald J. Huefner
Arun K. Jain
Frank J. Krzystofiak
James R. Meindl
Jerry M. Newman
Philip R. Perry
Natalie C. Simpson

School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences:
Beverly P. Bishop
Alexander C. Brownie
Murray J. Ettinger
Leon E. Farhi
Perry M. Hogan
Felix Milgrom
James P. Nolan
Charles V. Paganelli
Mary Anne Rokitka
Richard T. Sarkin
Charles M. Severin
Vijay C. Swamy
Judith H. Tamburlin

School of Nursing:
Patricia R. McCartney
Judith S. Ronald

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences:
David J. Triggle

University Libraries:
Judith Adams-Volpe
Susan Davis Bartl
Carol Bradley
Renee Bush
Nina Cascio
Charles D'Aniello
Jean Decker
Gemma Devinney
Susan Dow
Marchand M. Finnegan
Marianne Goldstein
Gayle Hardy-Davis
Donald K. Hartman
Cynthia Hepfer
William Hepfer
Edward P. Herman
Judith Hopkins
Chung Kai Huang
Glendora Johnson-Cooper
Michael Lavin
Terrence McCormack
Ellen McGrath
Sue Neumeister
Nancy Nuzzo
Serafino Porcari
Nancy Schiller
Karen Senglaup
Lilli Sentz
Karen F. Smith
Margaret Wells
Dorothy Woodson
Marcia Zubrow