This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

The Mail

Published: February 6, 2003

Group seeks others to promote and achieve peace

An open letter to UB faculty and staff colleagues:

We are writing on behalf of a group of University at Buffalo faculty and staff who are building an organization and forum to promote education, discussion, teaching and civil debate on the issue of United States government policies regarding peace and war. We oppose in particular the war with Iraq now being proposed by the present U.S. administration.

To date, we have co-sponsored:

  • A talk by Dave Robinson of Pax Christi USA entitled "Eyewitness from Iraq: War, Conscience and Faith; What is Really Going on There? Is War the Only Answer?

  • A talk by Dr. Douglas Rokke, one of the U.S. Army's foremost experts on medical aspects of depleted uranium (DU) munitions and their use by the U.S. military

  • The UB campus broadcast of George Bush's "State of the Union" address, followed by commentary

We will sponsor and co-sponsor more guest speakers, teach-ins and statements of conscience. We are collaborating and networking with student groups at UB and other groups in Western New York and across the state and nation to continue promoting education and discussion.

We seek to be as inclusive as possible and would welcome your joining us and lending your talents, knowledge and advice in this important effort to promote and achieve peace, rather than war. We invite you to attend our next organizational meeting at 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 10 in Room 209, The Commons, North Campus. At this meeting—in addition to planning future activities—we will discuss a position statement we will circulate to all UB faculty and staff for their individual endorsements.

There is much to do. If you would like to become involved but are unable to attend this meeting, please contact any of the signers of this letter or go to for names and email addresses of contacts. If you simply wish to be put on our mailing list to receive notification of future activities and meetings, you may subscribe yourself to our announcements-only mailing list by visiting

UB Faculty and Staff for Peace,
Hank J. Bromley, associate professor, Educational Leadership and Policy
David A. Gerber, professor, History
J. Patrick Keleher, director, Newman Centers @ UB
June Licence, retired, American Studies/History
Mark J. Ludwig, systems manager, University Libraries
Paul H. Reitan, professor emeritus, Geology
William K. Wachob, assistant dean, Nursing
James O. Whitlock, associate director, Computing and Information Technology; director, WNY-HPNVI