This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

Long-time UB employees to be recognized

Published: February 20, 2003

President and Mrs. William R. Greiner will host a reception on March 6 in the UB President's Residence, 889 Lebrun Road, Eggertsville, to honor those UB employees who completed 30, 40 and 50 years of service to the university in the calendar year 2002.

Honored for 50 years of service will be Beverly Bishop, Physiology and Biophysics.

Honored for 40 years of service will be Susan Alder, Microbiology; William Baumer, Philosophy; Sandra Darrigo, Operational Support Services; John Doetterl, University Print Services; Peter Gessner, Pharmacology and Toxicology; Jean Haar, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Harry King, Chemistry; John Medige, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Norman Mohl, Oral Diagnostics Sciences; Mirdza Neiders, Oral Diagnostics Sciences, and David Triggle, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Honored for 30 years of service will be Jacqueline Adamczak, Management; George Anderson, Medicine; Richard Bauth, Facilities Planning and Design; John Benton, Facilities Operations; Thaddeus Bieniek, Biological Sciences; Charles Bland, Enrollment Management; John Boehler, Sponsored Programs Administration; Linda Bogdan, English; Mary Bonora, Medicine; Cecilia Borcz, Student Processing Services; Barbara Burke, Equity, Diversity and Affirmative Action Administration; Anthony Caito, Student Advising Services; David Chernega, University Police; Paul Ciszkowski, Dental Medicine; Mili Clark, English; Priscilla Clarke, Chemistry; Jean Decker, University Libraries/Central Technical Services; Roger Des Forges, History; Colin Drury, Industrial Engineering; Lee Dryden, Social Sciences Interdisciplinary Degree Programs.

Also, Sandra Fazekas, Center for the Arts; David Frank, University Police; Robert Fuchs, Facilities Operations; Mary Jane Gallo, Center of Excellence for Document Analysis and Recognition; Michael Garrick, Biochemistry; Tyrone Georgiou, Art; Joann Glinski, Computer Science and Engineering; Stephen Halpern, Political Science; Donald Hanavan, Clinical Dentistry; Brian Hassard, Mathematics; Deborah Holden, Medical Technology; Ann Marie Jacobi, Anesthesiology; Michael Kobylski, Facilities Operations; James LaFountain, Biological Sciences; Kenneth Levy, Senior Vice Provost; Debra Love, CIO Administrative Operations; John Meacham, Psychology; Robert Migdalski, Facilities Operations; Catherine Olsen, Mathematics; David Parobek, University Police.

Also, Grace Patterson, State Personnel Services; Kenneth Penski, University Residence Halls; Robert Puleo, Facilities Planning and Design; Daisie Radner, Philosophy; Cheryl Rance, Electrical Engineering; Michael Rivera, Career Services; Stephen Schanuel, Mathematics; Violet Shannon, Dental Medicine; Joyce Sirianni, Anthropology; Karen Spencer, University Libraries/Law Library; Joyce Troy, English; Jorge Velasco, Animal Facilities; Daniel Walgate, University Police; Jui Wang, Einstein Chair; Debra Warzel, Technology Services; Kristen Wells, Animal Facilities; James Witczak, Facilities Operations, and George Zimmermann, Law.