SPEEDING BIOINFORMATICS RESEARCH: Michael Dell, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Dell Computer Corp., speaks at a news conference on Tuesday to announce the gift of a cluster of more than 2,000 Dell servers dedicated to the research of the Buffalo Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics. (Photo: Nancy J. Parisi)
Dell server cluster to speed bioinformatics research
The Dell supercomputer cluster unveiled Tuesday at UB is the result of a unique partnership between corporate, government and non-profit institutions that is establishing UB and the Buffalo Niagara region as a worldwide leader in supercomputing and bioinformatics. » Full Story
Program of "Remembrance and Healing" set for Sept. 11
UB will mark the first anniversary of the Sept. 11 tragedies with a variety of events and activities, including a university program of "Remembrance and Healing." » Full Story
FSEC members urged to attend Sept. 11 memorial: Members of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee have been encouraged to attend the university-wide memorial service being held to remember the first anniversary of the national tragedy of Sept. 11.
Distinguished Speakers Series lineup set for 2002-03: "Today" show co-anchor Katie Couric, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, astronaut Mae Jemison, best-selling author Amy Tan and former U.S. Sen. Bill Bradley will headline UB's 2002-03 Distinguished Speakers Series.
UB's first "Gender Week" set for Sept. 23-27: Katha Pollit, a poet, essayist and columnist for The Nation, will deliver the keynote address of UB's first Gender Week.
Study finds 'idealized' story of America being scrutinized, questioned by high school students: A study by a UB education researcher has found that the "celebratory grand epic" about America that prevails in many of the nation's history classrooms is no longer taken at face value by U.S. high school students.
UB researcher finds strong correlation between diabetes and air pollution: A dramatic statistical correlation between the prevalence of diabetes and air pollution levels has been demonstrated by a UB researcher who published his observations in the journal, Diabetes Care.
Cyberspaceland of cyber cowboys and women outlaws: Women cyberspace pioneers speak their minds in "Reload: Rethinking Women + Cyberculture," a goundbreaking collection of writing edited by a UB librarian and former Professor of Art.
Study shows volcanic eruptions interfere with the effect of sunspots on global climate: University scientists working with ice cores have solved a mystery surrounding sunspots and their effect on climate that has puzzled scientists since they began studying the phenomenon.
UB company to focus on drugs to combat infections, inflammatory diseases: The Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach has licensed to Therex LLC, a company formed by three UB faculty members, patents and technologies based on their prior research with salicylanilide chemical compounds.