This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

I HOPE I GET IT. Students from the Department of Theatre and Dance perform the opening number in "A Chorus Line" during a performance last weekend in the Drama Theatre in the Center for the Arts. The show will go on tonight, tomorrow and Saturday at 8 p.m. and at 2 p.m. on Sunday. (Photo: Nancy J. Parisi)

UB manages SARS concerns

Some UB students have cancelled or cut short trips to China, while others have decided to remain in the country amid concerns about SARS. » Full Story 

Civil liberties under assault

Since Sept. 11, the civil liberties of Arab-Americans have been increasingly compromised, and all Americans should take notice, the managing director of the the Arab American Institute warned during a lecture at UB.» Full Story 

Nowak to direct scientific planning at Center of Excellence.  Norma Jean Nowak, a world-class scientist whose research has contributed directly to the Human Genome Project, has been named director of scientific planning for the UB Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.

Ground broken for new student center in SOM.  A groundbreaking ceremony was held last week for the Alfiero Center, the addition to the School of Management that will serve as a student center and house academic and career-development offices.

UB students to explore Mars in Utah.  Two UB doctoral students have been part of a team that is living in Utah to simulate the living and working conditions on Mars.

"Poet's photographer" to hold exhibition.  Denny Mores, whose photographs have appeared on the covers of books by such writers as Denise Levertov and Robert Creeley, will exhibit his work in the UB Anderson Gallery.

Alternative spring break offers chance to serve.  Spring break this year meant working on their souls, instead of their tans, for a group of UB students who spent their breaks working in soup kitchens and afterschool programs in Washington, D.C.

Contributing dust to Greenland.  Specks of dust may have traveled from America's Great Plains all the way to Greenland during the Dust Bowl storms of the 1930s, according to new findings by UB atmospheric physicists.

Senior Thesis art exhibition to open in several venues.  APPENDIX, an exhibition organized, crated, installed and promoted by students in the Department of Art's "Senior Thesis" class, will open tonight with displays in several separate venues.

Loss of classrooms impacts scheduling, causes overcrowding.  The Faculty Senate's Facilities Committee is working to address UB's loss of classroom space, an ongoing concern in light of projected enrollment increases.