Questions & Answers

Maggie Hausbeck is director of University Union Activities Board.
What is University Union Activities Board (UUAB)?
UUAB is a live-entertainment programming service run by UB students. The office is composed of four departments: concerts, films, cultural and performing arts, and sound rental. Students work as departmental coordinators, assistants and hourly staff. UUAB sponsors events independently and collaboratively with various campus groups. Best known for perennial events such as Fall Fest, Spring Fest and the weekly film series screened in the Student Union Theatre, UUAB also proudly presents wine tastings, speakers, cinematic sneak previews and concerts in an assortment of campus venues.
UUAB is part of the larger Sub-Board I. What is Sub-Board, and where does UUAB fit into the larger organization?
Sub-Board I, Inc. (SBI, Inc.) is a student-owned and student-operated, not-for-profit campus service organization. It was created in 1970 through the cooperative efforts of the student governments to provide students with greater control over mandatory student activity fees and to enhance the quality of student life at UB by offering a variety of programs and services. Each of SBI's services are intended to help students in a practical and educational way, and all students are encouraged to utilize the services, as well as to take advantage of the opportunities available to operate and manage SBI programs. SBI's services can be separated into three categories: entertainment, health and support. The entertainment classification encompasses print and electronic mediums (The Generation magazine and WRUB radio respectively), as well as UUAB. Information regarding all of SBI's programs and services is available on the corporation's Web site at
How do you choose what concerts, films, etc. to bring to campus?
We draw artist names from a gold fish bowl. Of course, I'm being facetious. The UUAB staff conducts student polls at different times of the academic year. Incoming freshmen are surveyed during summer orientation and the general student population is surveyed at different points each semester. The surveys solicit answers regarding interest in concerts, specific musical performers, popular films and other events. In addition to the surveys, student committees composed of representatives from different organizations participate in the decision-making process. For example, the "Fest" concert series is co-sponsored by UUAB and the undergraduate Student Association; therefore students from SA and SBI convene to determine the genre of music and specific talent to be featured at each festival show. Whether we are planning concerts, special events or films, UUAB strives to balance programming in order to satisfy the wants and needs of a diverse campus. There is a link on the UUAB Web page for suggestions or event ideas. We are always looking for new and exciting programming opportunities, and we welcome input from the university community.
What has been the most popular concert you've been involved with?
Applying "popular" as defined by survey results, I would have to say that the Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds acoustic performance in the Center for the Arts ranks at the top of the list. However, using "popular" relative to audience size, last year's NO DOUBT Live concert was a sold-out success, and the 1999 MTV Campus Invasion Tour featuring Sugar Ray, Orgy and RUN DMC absolutely stretched the capacity of Baird Point to the limit.
Do you get to meet the artists/musicians?
Rarely, if ever. I have crossed paths with them in the backstage hallways, but event coordination is not as glamorous as seems.
Is there any particular artist/musical group, or any particular social event that you're working hard to bring to UB?
We will continue to actively pursue Dave Matthews for an encore performance at UB as long as his name dominates the student polls. Also, I look forward to the day when we will be able to present a concert in the football stadium.
What question do you wish I had asked, and how would you have answered it?
Most colleges have a programming board similar to UUAB. What makes UUAB special? The concept of a campus programming board run by students is not unusual. However, as a service of SBI, Inc., the reality of UUAB is truly unique because students are simultaneously the owners and the beneficiaries of the services. UB is one of only a handful of campuses in the country that has a student corporation. As UUAB director, it is my job to provide continuity, ensure compliance with university, state and SUNY Board of Trustees guidelines, and to simply lead the student staff through the planning process. It is the UUAB staff that researches perspective performers and events. Staff members also prepare budgets and projected financial statements. Students are empowered to select programming and to successfully implement every minute detail therein. The campus community benefits from the work of the UUAB staff, and the UUAB staff gains specific, relevant, paraprofessional work experience. I have a favorite quote about SBI, Inc., and I believe that the sentiment of the statement could be extended to UUAB. Someone once said, "It would be unfortunate if SBI ceased to exist because then the students at UB would become ordinary." In my opinion, UUAB is a part of that which makes UB an extraordinary educational encounter for students.