This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

THE GRADUATES NEW CLOTHES. Xing Lin of New York City, a candidate for a graduate degree in political sciene, picks up his cap and gown at the University Bookstore. For more end-of-the-semester photos, click on "photos" in the left hand column of this page. (Photo: Donna Longenecker)

Creeley named to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Renown UB poet Robert Creeley receives another distinguished honor as he gets ready to leave UB for his home turf. » Full Story 

Taste is key factor in low-fat snacks

UB researchers have found that health-oriented consumers are more likely to purchase a snack if they think it tastes good, even if they perceive it to be high in fat. » Full Story 

Arkeilpane resigns.  Bob Arkeilpane, director of athletics, is leaving UB to take a position with the University of Cincinnati Foundation.

Meyer to lead Society of Biomaterials.  UB biomaterials scientist Anne Meyer has been elected president-elect of the leading scientific research society in the field.

What did they die from?  An undergraduate honors course makes the topic of violent crime relevant to its student audience.

Effective delivery method for ADHD treatment.   UB studies have demonstrated that a daily transdermal dose of Ritalin is highly effective in treating children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

International workshop on X-ray diffraction to be held at UB.  A new, more powerful method of determining the details of molecular structure will be the topic of an international workshop to be held Monday through Saturday at UB.

Reducing microbes in infant in ICU.  UB researchers have determined that use of a specialized ventilation system device in the ICU can significantly reduce microbes related to infant lung infections.

Demystifying bioinformatics.  Norma Nowak, director of scientific planning for the Center of Excellence for Bioinformatics, brought the subject of bioinformatics down to earth for members of the Faculty Senate at Tuesday's meeting.