People etc.
UB weaver to be honored during exhibition
An artist who organized the weaving programs at UB in the late 1960s will be recognized during "Fine Art by Women of Color in Buffalo and Western New York," the first annual juried exhibition of fine art by women of color. The exhibition will be held tomorrow through June 27 in Impact Artists' Gallery, Suite 545, Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main St., Buffalo, and July 8 through Aug. 11 in the Langston Hughes Institute, 25 High St., Buffalo.
The exhibition will include a special tribute area in honor of the late UB craftsman Wilhelmina M. Godfrey, a noted African-American artist and fine-arts weaver who was an instructor at the Creative Crafts Center from 1967-70 and organized the weaving programs at UB.
Godfrey, who attended the Art Institute of Buffalo and the Albright Art School in the 1940s, was a founder and director of the Langston Hughes Institute. She began weaving in 1958, creating abstract works based on African art themes. She received a craftsman's fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts in 1974 and the Buffalo and Erie County Arts Council's Individual Artist Award in 1990.
"Fine Art by Women of Color in Buffalo and Western New York," conceived by Impact Artists' Gallery and the Langston Hughes Institute, will open at Impact gallery with a reception from 7:30-9 p.m. on Saturday. An opening reception at Langston Hughes Institute will be held from 6-9 p.m. July 11.
Impact Artists' Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Friday or call 835-6817 for an appointment. Call the Hughes institute at 881-2372 for exhibition hours.
Proposals sought for Gender Week activities
The Gender Institute, formally titled the Institute for Research & Education on Women & Gender or IREWG, is offering grants of $500-$1,000 to host guest speakers, performances or other activities for Gender Week, to be held Sept. 22-26.
Gender Week grant proposals which are due on Tuesday, should include a description of the program or speaker; budget for the event, including departmental support, if any; a list of co-sponsors, and a letter of support from the dean or department chair. The application should be no more than six pages, including the letter of support, but a cover letter may be included as a seventh page, if desired.
Proposals can be mailed to the Gender Institute, 216 Harriman Hall, South Campus, emailed to, or faxed to 829-3453. Applicants with questions regarding the proposals can contact the institute at 829-3451. A limited number of grants are available. To review a list of last year's Gender Week events, email the institute to receive a 2002 calendar.
Among the goals of Gender Week are to raise the awareness and value of research on gender; highlight the important contributions of women in various fields of research; build esteem for women at UB; provide students, particularly undergraduates, with examples of quality research and work while awakening them to the possibilities of including a gender focus in their own work; to raise the visibility of the Gender Institute, and to encourage faculty to increase awareness of gender in the classroom.
Program to look at graduate education, careers in business
Ronald Alsop of The Wall Street Journal will be the keynote speaker at a free public program on careers and graduate education in business, to be held from 5:30-9 p.m. June 16 in the Student Union, North Campus.
Alsop, senior writer and author of "The Wall Street Guide to the Top Business Schools," will speak on "What Corporate Recruiters Look For" at the program, sponsored by the School of Management. A survey of corporate recruiters by The Wall Street Journal placed the SOM's MBA program in the Top 10 worldwide when it comes to graduates possessing team skills and leadership potential.
The program also will include breakout activities on assessing leadership potential and team skills, conflict management and behavior-based interviewing, and a session entitled "Is an MBA in Your Future?"
Pre-registration for the program, for which space is limited, is required and may be completed by calling 645-3232 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. weekdays.
The program is part of "UBThisSummer," a series of workshops, lectures, summer camps and programs designed to provide educational opportunities for community members of all ages. Information about programs and activities may be obtained at