GARDEN WALK. This garden at 120 Capen Blvd. was one of those featured as part of the second annual Samuel P. Capen Garden Walk, held on Saturday and co-sponsored by the University Community Initiative at UB. (Photo: Nick Weston-Swan)
EDS gives SEAS $53 million gift
Electronic Data Systems has given an in-kind software donation valued at $53.5 million, the largest gift in UB history, to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences as part of "The Campaign for UB: Generation to Generation." » Full Story
Grant to fund breast cancer research.
UB epidemiologists have received a $2.4 million grant from the National Cancer Institute to conduct a four-year investigation of breast cancer, examining genetic susceptibility, tumor characteristics and dietary intake of fruits, vegetables and alcohol as they relate to breast-cancer risk. » Full Story
Striving for excellence. UB's Service Excellence program recognizes the accomplishments of university staffers in providing and improving service.
Fischer to join staff at bioinformatics center. Daniel Fischer, who coordinates the bioinformatics track at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, has been named director of educational programs for the UB Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics.
Web site links UB physicians with consumers, colleagues. The "Find-a-Physician" Web site allows those in need of a physician to search online for UB-affiliated doctors.
Library students test Internet freeware. Students in the School of Informatics are testing a revolutionary freeware integrated library-automation system that can be used to automate all of the daily functions of libraries.
Film seminars to return to the Market Arcade. After a semester hiatus, Buffalo Film Seminars will return this fall with a lineup that includes such classics as Alfred Hitchcock's "Vertigo" and Martin Scorsese's "Taxi Driver."
Research finds that tort reform could harm women, minorities. Tort reform legislation that would cap the non-economic damages that can be recovered in a health-care liability suit would have a significant adverse impact on women and the elderly, according to research conducted by UB law professor Lucinda Finley.
Social Work to offer certificate programs. The School of Social Work will offer two new, intensive training programs for mental-health and human-services professionals during the 2003-04 academic year.