Construction Updates
Completed Projects
Exterior signage project. More than 600 new signs were installed on the North and South campuses.
Phase II expansion of the Center for Computational Research in Norton Hall, North Campus.
Creekside Village student housing project, North Campus. It features 116 two-bedroom, one-and-a-half bath townhouses.
Conversion of squash courts into new office and computer-laboratory space in Alumni Arena, North Campus.
On-going Projects:
Faculty Student Association dining expansion in the Ellicott Complex, North Campus, is under way. Completion is expected in January, 2003.
Construction of the addition to Ketter Hall, North Campus, is under way. This project, which will expand earthquake engineering research laboratory space in that building, is scheduled for completion by Fall 2003. The earthquake simulator is scheduled to go on line in September, 2004.
Addition to Jacobs Management Center, North Campus, is in design. Construction is expected to begin this spring.
Landscaping work is under way to place plantings around the new entry signage on both campuses.
Farber Hall infrastructure project is expected to be completed this spring. Three 700-ton chillers are being replaced.
Eleven air-handling units are being replaced in Cooke and Hochstetter halls, North Campus. The project is scheduled for completion this spring.
Rehab of various elevators on both campuses is expected to be completed this spring.
Construction of two micro turbines is nearly complete on the north side of Alumni Arena. They will generate power and reuse rejected heat to provide warm water in the main pool.
Major renovation is under way in the Ellicott Complex to relocate Student Services staff.
Rehab has begun in Cary Hall, North Campus, to upgrade laboratories for the Center for Computational Biophysics. This is a phased project, with the first phase being completed in January, 2003, and the second phase in September, 2003.
Aged trees and brush in garden areas around the Health Sciences Library, South Campus, will be removed and replaced with new trees, bushes and flowers.
New Projects:
A new building for the Center for Excellence in BioInformatics is being planned for the Buffalo Life Sciences Complex in the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus.
MacKay Heating Plant, South Campus, is scheduled for renovation in Spring 2003. The old coal-fired boilers will be replaced with new energy-efficient, gas-fired boilers.
Lee Road development master plan is under way. A phased construction project involving student housing, commercial/retail development and some academic support space is being planned for the North Campus.
ESCO has been selected to perform energy conservation measures on the South Campus.
Incandescent lamps in all traffic signals on both campuses will be replaced with LED lighting systems.
Plan to renovate the historic Hayes Hall bell tower, South Campus is in design.
Major renovation to relocate the New York State Center for Engineering Design and Industrial Innovation (NYSCEDII) to Furnas Hall, North Campus, from Norton Hall is in design.
Renovation of the office space for the Office of Admissions and the University Honors Program in Talbert Hall, North Campus, is in design.
Major renovation is in design for the Center for Hearing and Deafness on the ground and first floors of Cary Hall.
Emergency back-up power will be installed in the elevators of Kimball Tower, South Campus.
Roof of tbe Biomedical Research Building, South Campus, will be recoated and masonry repairs will be made to the parapet walls to prevent roof leaks.