Grant recipients recognized
Reception honors top 100 faculty receiving federal grants
Contributing Editor
The university honored faculty members who have received the largest amounts of federal grant dollars with a reception held on Tuesday in the Anderson Gallery.
One hundred faculty members representing fields ranging from education and assistive technology to pediatrics and special environments were recognized for their efforts to obtain highly competitive federal funding for their research.
Federal funding obtained by the 100 researchers represents 74 percent of all active research awards at UB, and 82 percent of all federal funding the university receives.
"These 100 grant recipients not only represent the best and brightest of UB's talented researchers, but also epitomize what we strive for as a public research universityto continually push the boundaries of our knowledge and to share the benefits of our discoveries," said President William R. Greiner.
"We at UB count ourselves fortunate to have such gifted, dedicated researchers working in our academic community, but we know that their contributions extend well beyond the walls of the university. The impact of their research is profound and wide-ranging, so it's a great pleasure to see them receive the national recognition and support they so richly deserve."
Obtaining federal support is a measure of the quality of the faculty, said Provost Elizabeth D. Capaldi.
"Only the very best investigators compete successfully for federal funding," she said. "With the aid of its excellent faculty, UB's federal support has grown steadily. This improves the university's national reputation and produces economic impact in Western New York. The federal government estimates 29 jobs are generated by every $1 million of grant dollars."
Federal research grants are among the most prestigious sources of funding a researcher can receive, said Jaylan Turkkan, vice president for research.
Research universities are ranked nationally by the amount of federally sponsored grants and contracts they receive in all disciplines, she said.
Researchers from across the nation compete for federal funding, and grant proposals are evaluated in an extremely rigorous review process. Proposals are peer reviewed, allowing other experts in the field to make recommendations about researchers' work. As a result, only the most highly qualified research proposals receive funding.
"This reception celebrated the people who have survived that intensely competitive process and have had their research vetted by the top people in their field. The studies they're proposing are of extremely high quality," Turkkan said.
"We honored the people who had the courage, determination, tenacity and resourcefulness to obtain this important source of research funding."
Faculty members were chosen based on a "snapshot" of total active federal awards for reporting year 2002, including multi-year awards.
Those selected include:
School of Architecture and Planning
Edward Steinfeld
College of Arts and Sciences
Ronald Berezney
Frank V. Bright
Philip Coppens
Huw M. L. Davies
Michael Ray Detty
Bing Gong
Elaine M. Hull
Yi Han Kao
Paul A. Luce
David M. Mark
Bruce D. McCombe
Bruce J. Nicholson
William E. Pelham, Jr.
Paras N. Prasad
John P. Richard
Richard J. Salvi
Hiroaki Suga
Guiyun Yan
School of Dental Medicine
Robert E. Baier
Ernesto DeNardin
Mira Edgerton
Sarah L. Gaffen
Robert J. Genco
Howard Kuramitsu
Frank A. Scannapieco
Graduate School of Education
Emanuel Blount
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Michel Bruneau
Alexander N. Cartwright
George C. Lee
Russ Miller
Abani K. Patra
David T. Shaw
Sargur N. Srihari
Aidong Zhang
School of Health Related Professions
Joseph P. Lane
John H. Stone
School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Anthony L. Auerbach
Mark Ballow
Richard B. Bankert
Kenneth M. Blumenthal
John M. Canty, Jr.
Terry D. Connell
Leonard H. Epstein
Jian Feng
Jo Freudenheim
Laura M. Garrick
Richard M. Gronostajski
John Hay
V. James Hernandez
Parsa Kazemi-Esfarjani
Paul R. Knight III
Daniel J. Kosman
Alan H. Lockwood
Philip T. Loverde
Claes E. Lundgren
Thomas E. Melendy
Bruce D. Miller
Timothy F. Murphy
Madhavan P. N. Nair
Mulchand S. Patel
David R. Pendergast
Alfred S. Ponticelli
Feng Qin
Laurie K. Read
Jerry Richards
Thomas C. Rosenthal
Thomas A. Russo
William T. Ruyechan
Frederick Sachs
Malcolm Slaughter
Robert N. Spengler
Harold C. Strauss
Mary L. Taub
Maurizio Trevisan
John E. Vena
Jean Wactawski-Wende
Noreen Williams
Jerrold C. Winter
Zhen Yan
School of Nursing
Nancy Campbell-Heider
Mary Anne Neary
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Joseph P. Balthasar
Ho-Leung Fung
William J. Jusko
Research Institute on Addictions
Clara M. Bradizza
Gerard J. Connors
Kurt H. Dermen
Rina Das Eiden
William Fals-Stewart
Michael R. Frone
Kenneth Leonard
Neil B. McGillicuddy
Roh-Yu Shen
Maria L. Testa
Kimberly S. Walitzer
School of Social Work
Thomas H. Nochajski
Vice President for Public Service and Urban Affairs
David F. Burganowski
Donald J. Jacobs
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
John Staley