This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.


Published: August 28, 2003

Moving In

Elizabeth Siderakis (B.A. , from key account manager, Western Union North America, to director of Development, School of Architecture and Planning.

Erin Daniher, from Ohio University, to assistant coach, softball team

Moving Up

Rudy Wieler, from assistant coach, women's crew, to head coach

Deborah Scott, from associate dean and director of development, School of Law, to vice dean and director of development, School of Law

Laura Barnum, from assistant athletic director for business operations, Division of Athletics, to associate athletic director for internal operations.

Andrew Hurley, from director of athletic development, Division of Athletics, to assistant athletic director for development.

Susan Kurowski, from facilities management assistant, Division of Athletics, to assistant director for facility operations.

Moving On

Mary Ann Rogers, from chief development officer, School of Law, to director of development, Albright-Knox Art Gallery.


William R. White, janitor, Residential Facilities