UB recognizes SEFA contributors
Reporter Editor
Various individuals and units across campus were recognized on Tuesday for their contributions to the successful 2003 SEFA campaign during the SEFA Celebration formally marking the end of the annual fund-raising effort.
As of today, the campaign, which had a goal of $800,000, had raised $834,169.30.
Mark Karwan, SEFA chair and dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, served as master of ceremonies for the event, held in the Center for Tomorrow. Karwan pointed out that in a year when charitable giving has been down generally in Western New York and across the country, UB has far exceeded its SEFA campaign goal. He said that UB had a record number of leadership givers who gave $1,000 or more—193—in this year's campaign.
Arlene Kaukus, president of the United Way of Buffalo & Erie County, attended the SEFA Celebration and presented UB with a "Top 100 Award of Excellence." The award, which refers to the top 100 campaigns in Buffalo and Erie County, recognizes UB for its "exceptional commitment to the United Way campaign," proving that "lives change when a community cares."
Karwan told those attending the celebration that he had the privilege of recognizing two champions of SEFA with a new award, the William R. Greiner Award. The Greiner Award honors UB's outgoing president for "his encouragement and leadership" of the SEFA campaign throughout his 13 years as president—during which UB's SEFA campaign "has grown and improved, establishing UB as a leader among local employee campaigns, as the major player in SUNY and New York SEFA, and as a stand-out institution among all colleges and universities in the nation," Karwan said.
Ruth Bryant, the first recipient of the Greiner Award, "is a person whose life and service mirror everything that SEFA is about," he said. He noted that Bryant, assistant dean in the School of Architecture and Planning, has for many years overseen one of UB's most successful unit campaigns, has served on the Administrative Group, and has served as a volunteer and board member for dozens of local agencies and programs "concerned with the betterment of our community and with the quality of life for Western New York citizens."
Among the other major awards presented at Tuesday's SEFA Celebration, the Bennett Cup for best overall campaign was awarded to University Services. Karwan said that University Services had achieved an outstanding participation rate—only 25 non-respondents out of more than 700 employees—and showed an increase in every quantitative measure to evaluate campaign results. The unit, he added, also bolstered its campaign by holding numerous, creative, special events to raise money for SEFA.
The Chair's Cup—awarded every year at the discretion of the campaign chair to a unit that has achieved some special distinction in its annual campaign—was presented to University Advancement for achieving 100 percent participation. Karwan pointed out that while some small units can occasionally boast of a 100 percent participation rate, University Advancement achieved 100 percent participation with a unit of 113 employees, which he called "an exceptional accomplishment." The unit achieved 119.8 percent of its SEFA goal.
Other units cited for meeting or achieving their SEFA goals were the Engineering and Applied Sciences (100 percent), Public Service and Affairs (100 percent), Education (100.3 percent), Public Health and Health Professions (101.8 percent), UB Foundation (102.2 percent), Nursing (102.7 percent), Arts and Sciences (103.3 percent), Office of the President (105.8 percent), Office of the Chief Information Officer (106.1 percent), Student Affairs (106.3 percent), Social Work (111.5 percent), Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (114.1 percent), University Services (119.5 percent) and Architecture and Planning (128.5 percent).
Other awards and award winners:
Roger McGill, University Business Services, who was recognized with the CQI award for his continuous quality involvement in the SEFA campaign
Candise Morris, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, who received a Volunteer of the Year Award in recognition of her work on the Administrative Group and successful campaign for the pharmacy school
Dawn Starke, University Business Services, who received a Volunteer of the Year Award for her work on the Crofts Hall campaign and the Crofts SEFA Committee, and for coordinating the campus-wide entertainment book sales
Julie Klas, Office of the President, who received the Unsung Hero Award for her dedication to and support of many aspects of the campaign
Ann Davis, UB Foundation, who received the Outstanding Goalie Award for leading the foundation to be the first unit to reach its SEFA goal this year
Lynn Collis Jay, Student Affairs, who received the Honorary DOCtorate Award for her support of the Day of Caring
Kate Doran, SEFA graduate assistant, received the Rosie the Riveter Award in recognition of her work on the campaign
Chris Salem, State Personnel Services, received the Solicitor General Award in recognition of his work in reviewing rosters for the campaign, as well as reviewing UB's policy for soliciting employees with different levels of affiliation with the university
Michele Bewley, Arts and Sciences, received the Big Chill Award for her perseverance in braving 30-degree temperatures and 25 mile-per-hour winds to work the CAS hot dog roast this fall
Al Macaluso, University Facilities, received the Van Gogh Award for his work in painting the SEFA thermometer signs
Sue Wuetcher, UB Reporter, received the Special Edition Award for the newspaper's coverage of the SEFA campaign
Linda Bovino, Engineering and Applied Sciences, received the Remote Control Award recognizing her assistance to SEFA Chair Mark Karwan
Named "Rookie All-Stars" for joining the SEFA Administrative Group this year were Diane Gayles, Public Health and Health Professions; Kathleen Heckman, University Advancement; Ron Krul, Social Work; Natalie Leaver, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Sally Sams, Nursing.