This article is from the archives of the UB Reporter.

People etc.

Published: May 6, 2004

REV-UP program to recognize volunteers

The annual REV-UP Recognition Ceremony and Reception will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday in 102 Goodyear Hall, South Campus, in conjunction with the May meeting of the Emeritus Center.

The speaker will be Robert O. Davies, associate vice president for alumni relations.

The ceremony will recognize 83 REV-UP volunteers who together gave more than 3,700 hours of service to the university in 2003-04.

Thirteen of the retirees to be honored have given more than 1,000 hours of service.

Since the inception of the REV-UP program in March 1990, more than 43,000 hours of volunteer service have been given to UB by its retirees.

For further information about the Emeritus meeting or the REV-UP program, contact Leila (Lee) Baker. REV-UP manager, at 829-2271, 691-5972 or

Accounting department wins award

The Department of Accounting and Law in the School of Management received the Organization of the Year Award from the Buffalo chapter of the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) at the chapter's monthly meeting on April 22.

Each year, the IMA recognizes an organization or company that has supported the chapter either in the current year or over several years. The award was presented to Susan Hamlen, department chair.

"The Department of Accounting and Law has long maintained high standards of excellence," said SOM Dean John M. Thomas. "This award recognizes the efforts of our faculty and our students in the field of accounting."

Several members of the accounting faculty have served in leadership positions with the IMA over the years, and the UB Accounting Association (UBAA), an IMA student affiliate chapter, has won numerous IMA national awards for its efforts in providing leadership training and networking experiences for students.

The School of Management is the primary provider of accounting graduates to the Western New York community, offering AACSB-accredited accounting programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level. Its internal audit program is one of only 40 programs worldwide endorsed by the Institute of Internal Auditors.

The accounting department offers continuing education programs to the Western New York business community through its Annual Institute on Taxation, IRA Tax Practitioner Seminars and other programs.

Longtime employees to be recognized

A service recognition reception will be held later this month honoring faculty and staff members who have completed 30 and 40 years of service to UB.

President John B. Simpson will host the reception, during which service recognition pins will be presented to the honorees.

UB employees to be honored for 40 years of service are Paul Birzon, Law; Stephen Cavior, Mathematics; Donald Givone, Electrical Engineering; Michael Gort, Economics; Floyd Green, Microbiology; Kathleen Grieco, University Residence Halls and Apartments; Edward Koenig, Physiology and Biophysics; Kenneth Magill, Mathematics; Walter Marshall, Physiology and Biophysics; Sol Messinger, Pathology and Anatomical Sciences; Sharon Schiffhauer, University Libraries; Shirley Snyder, Oral Diagnostic Sciences; Tsu-Teh Soong, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering; Nancy Stubbe, Student Health Center; Dale Taulbee, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Melvin Tucker, History; Joseph Tufariello, Chemistry.

Faculty and staff members to be honored for 30 years of service are Helju Bennett, History; Clifford Bloom, Mathematics; Barry Boyer, Law; Charles (Corky) Brunskill, Science and Engineering Node Services; Edward Bush, Housing Services; Kathy Curtis, English Language Institute; Robert Daly, English; Scott Danford, Architecture; Fred Dansereau, Jr., Organization and Human Resources; Peter Darrigo, Restorative Dentistry; Jonathan Dimock, Mathematics; Michael Dmowski, University Facilities; Ronald Dollmann, Student Affairs; Thomas Doyle, University Facilities; Christina Ehret, Microbiology and Immunology; Francis Gasparini, Physics; Donna George, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

Also, Deborah Grenier, Educational Opportunity Center; Jorge Guitart, Romance Languages and Literatures; Sanford Gunn, Accounting and Law; Robert Hagerman, Economics; Susan Hamlen, Accounting and Law; William Hamlen, Jr., Finance and Managerial Economics; Peter Hanks, University Facilities; James Hilburger, Operational Support Services; Marie Huber, Engineering and Applied Sciences; Robert Innes, University Facilities; Arun Jain, Marketing; Judy Jaskier, Admissions; John Jordan, University Police; Nancy Jurewicz, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering; William Jusko, Pharmaceutical Sciences; Debra Kiel, Music; Nancy King, Media Study.

Also, James Korta, University Facilities; Joseph Krakowiak, University Residence Halls and Apartments; Mark Kristal, Psychology; Leonard Lewis, University Facilities; Janet Lindgren, Law; Gary Majewski, Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering; Marsha Marecki, Nursing; Marie McLeod, Law; Carl Modica, University Facilities; Trudy Munford, Educational Opportunity Center; Nancy Myers, Counseling, School and Educational Psychology; Michele Nowacki, Psychology; Gwendolyn Pippens, Educational Opportunity Center; Wilson Prout, Health Sciences Library; James Puglisi, Student Life; Elizabeth Riegle, Nursing; Michael Rivera, Career Planning and Placement; Mary Anne Rokitka, Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

Also, Eli Ruckenstein, Chemical and Biological Engineering; Sandra Russo, Accounts Payable/Purchasing; Kathleen Saladyga, Student Financial Processing Services; Sally Sams, Nursing; Edward Sand, Clinical Dentistry; John Schlegel, Law; Barbara Smith, Computing and Information Technology; Glenda Stahura, Computing and Information Technology; Charles Stinger, History; Betty Stone, Human Resources; Jacqueline Szczublewski, Grants and Contracts; William Wachob, Nursing; Yieh Hei Wan, Mathematics; James Whitlock, Computing and Information Technology; David Willbern, English; Paul Zarembka, Economics.

Coles, Page win PSS awards



H. William Coles III, associate director of the Center for Academic Development Services/Educational Opportunity Program and former chair of the Professional Staff Senate, and Arthur H. Page, assistant vice president for news services and periodicals in the Division of University Advancement, have been selected to receive Outstanding Service Awards from the PSS at the senate's annual Awards Luncheon, to be held at noon May 19 in the Center for Tomorrow, North Campus.

The winners of the SUNY Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service also will be recognized at the luncheon.



The Outstanding Service Award is given to members of the professional staff who have a record of noteworthy service beyond their positions to university initiatives and/or service aimed at the betterment of the community as a whole,

Anyone interested in attending the luncheon should contact the PSS office at 645-2003 by May 14. The cost is $16.

Tech competition finals set

Four teams of students and alumni from UB will compete for cash and services in excess of $50,000 in the final round of the inaugural Technology Entrepreneur Competition, to be held from 4-6 p.m. tomorrow in the Jacobs Executive Development Center, 672 Delaware Ave.

The team that presents the best business plan for a commercially viable technology in the areas of physical and life-sciences will win a prize package that includes $25,000 in seed funding; one year of office space provided by North Forest Development (valued at more than $18,000), one year of business legal services from Jaeckle Fleischmann & Mugel LLP, one year of sales training from Hahn and Associates, one year of accounting services from Fiddler and Company, and one year of advertising services from Flynn and Friends.

The Technology Entrepreneur Competition was created by the School of Management and the Office of Science, Technology Transfer and Economic Outreach to facilitate and promote the commercialization of UB-generated technologies. It also is designed to provide a mechanism for bringing students from different disciplines together with students from the School of Management to maximize their business and scientific potential.

This year's finalists, chosen from among 11 entrants, are drawn from a variety of academic disciplines at UB, including business administration, economics and geography. They were chosen based on the content of their written business plans.

Each of the four teams will deliver 10-minute presentations and will be evaluated on how well they describe the feasibility and marketability of their venture, prove the need for their product or service and present potential sources of capital.

Judging the competition will be Robert H. Fritzinger, president and CEO, MicroLanguage; Thaddeus H. Grasela, Jr., president and CEO, Cognigen Corp.; James Hengst, ZeptoMetrix; Marnie LaVigne, Bufflink, and Brian Pearson, Valuation Advisors, LLC. Winners will be announced at the event shortly after the last presentation.

Those interested in attending the presentations should register with the Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership at 645-3000 or

MFC to present "Lifelong Learning"

"Lifelong Learning, a free program for persons ages 55 and older interested in challenging academic lectures, will be held this June as part of UBThisSummer.

The program is being presented by Millard Fillmore College.

"Lifelong Learning" consists of two sessions: Session I will feature single lectures, while Session 2 will feature two-lecture "mini-courses" held on a Tuesday and Thursday of the same week.

Larry Gingrich, associate dean of MFC, notes the program brings the intellectual resources of UB to the community.

All lectures will be held from 2-3 p.m. in 2 Diefendorf Hall, South Campus. The lectures will be free and open to the public. No registration is required to attend.

The schedule:

Session I

  • June 8: "Environmental Encounters: Artificial Hearts to Killer Whales," Anne Meyer, research associate professor of biomaterials, School of Dental Medicine

  • June 10: "Using Conflict Resolution To Create Win/Win Outcomes," Kay Johnson-Gentile, professor emerita of elementary education, Buffalo State College

  • June 15: "Chewing On Glass: New All-Ceramic Dental Restorations," Robert Baier, executive director, Industry/University Center for Biosurfaces

  • June 17: "Stonewall Jackson: From Lexington To Chancellorsville," James McGrath, university police officer

Session II

  • June 22 and June 24: "Learning and Teaching: Implications for Teaching," Ron Gentile, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of Counseling, School and Educational Psychology, Graduate School of Education

  • July 13 and July 15: "How Your Calculator Calculates," Gerry Rising, SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus, Department of Learning and Instruction, Graduate School of Education

  • July 20 and July 22: "Nursing," Mecca Cranley, dean, School of Nursing

  • July 27 and July 29: "Buffalo's First Century: Reports from the Field," Kerry Grant, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of the graduate school

For further information, contact Millard Fillmore College at 829-3131.